
There are 912 repositories under nltk-python topic.

  • w3-resource-python

    I am determined to improve my basic core skills of python and data science by practice. Found this website very helpful for systematic learning.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8
  • iplbot

    A retrieval based chat bot - BotVic. Engage with BotVic about IPL and have fun

  • NLP-Natural-Language-Processing-

    This repository is a collection of six minor projects focused on Natural Language Processing (NLP) along with relevant datasets. The projects are designed to help individuals gain a better understanding of NLP by applying concepts to real-world problems. Additionally, the repository includes a file that provides a comprehensive overview of NLP .

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7
  • Acro-Chatbot

    Chatbot using Django

  • Disease-Diagnosis-NLP-Project

    Clustering the medical textbook, in order to categorize diseases based on the most common words in each disease description by using NLP algorithms and techniques.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7
  • Text-Summarizer-and-Essay-Grader

    An automated Text summarizer & Essay grading model was built using Natural Language Processing (NLP) which was then deployed using Flask in Python.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7
  • ChatBot

    This is the source code of article how to create a chatbot in python . i.e A chatbot using the Reformer, also known as the efficient Transformer, to generate dialogues between two bots.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7
  • Automatic-summarization

    Simple text summarizer for any article using NLTK

  • Reddit-Flair-Detector

    A Reddit Flair Detector using Machine Learning Algorithms

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7
  • meetup-github-chatgpt-pln

    Clase de fundamentos de procesamiento de lenguaje natural

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6
  • Movie-Recommendation-System

    A movie recommender system is a system that seeks to predict or filter preferences according to the user's choices. The created Web-App using Python is a similar system, which suggests movies based on the user's liked movies.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6
  • jarPhys

    jarPhys is an image scraping app intended to scrape and search text data from notes (handwritten & typed) and courseware

  • Python-para-Processamento-de-Linguagem-Natural

    Python para Processamento de Linguagem Natural

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6
  • Chat-Bot-using-Deep-Learning

    chat bot REST API made using deep-learning(TensorFlow & NLTK)

  • small-lang-compiler-python

    Compiler for custom language grammar (Small lang) using python

  • Movies-Genre-Classification

    In this repo i have created a Movies Genre Classification project in machine learning using NLP.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6
  • Sentiment-analysis-reviews

    Sentiment analysis of women's clothes reviews by using machine learning algorithms and Neural Networks (LSTM).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6
  • Hangman

    💀 This repository is made to contain a Python-based Hangman game utilizing the Pygame library.

  • PDF-Converter-Backend-GPT3.5

    This is a Flask backend that allows users to upload a PDF file and receive a simplified and humorous explanation of its contents using OpenAI's GPT-3 API. The application uses NLTK to split the PDF text into smaller chunks to stay within the API's maximum token limit, and PyPDF2 to extract the text from the PDF file.

  • NLP-projects

    "Welcome to my NLP mini-projects repository! Here, I'll share a collection of projects that explore various natural language processing (NLP) techniques and tools. From sentiment analysis to text classification, each project is designed to help you gain a better understanding of NLP and its applications. Whether you're new to NLP or an experienced

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5
  • nlp-curriculum-classifier

    NLP repository with projects like Article Classifiers, Recommender Systems and Text Processing

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5
  • E-Commerce-Chatbot

    Chatbot for E-Commerce Related Questions

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5
  • mini-main


    Project MINI a Artificial intelligence and Machine Language

  • python-for-ds-ml

    My Python learning experience 📚🖥📳📴💻🖱✏

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5
  • wordle

    Python Wordle Solver

  • ocr-summarizer

    OCR based text summarizer for mini project in AI module

  • food-ordering-chatbot-using-ai

    Kayo-The-Bot is an AI-powered food ordering chatbot that uses NLP techniques to interact with users, present menus, handle orders, and calculate prices. It's integrated with Telegram for a seamless chat experience.

  • Data_Augmentation_with_NLP

    Few NLP augmentation techniques: synonym/antonym and back translation.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5
  • Image-Caption-Generator

    Fabricating a Python application that generates a caption for a selected image. Involves the use of Deep Learning and NLP Frameworks in Tensorflow, Keras and NLTK modules for data processing and creation of deep learning models and their evaluation.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5
  • articles-text-to-speech

    Convert the text of articles to speech using nltk, newspaper and gTTS with Python.

  • grpc-python-golang

    Understanding gRPC: A practical application in Go and Python

  • OnlineNaturalLanguageProcessor

    Web page that can accept English text files and run various types of nlp

  • web-scraping

    Raspando o site em busca de letras musicais (scraping e crawling).

  • SemanticWordClouds

    Making word clouds more interesting

  • AutomataNLP

    This project explores the possibility of automatically converting manual test cases to selenium automation.

  • python-naive-bayes-spam-classifier

    Python 2 and Python 3 naive bayes spam classifier trained with nltk.
