
There are 8 repositories under nonnegativity-constraints topic.

  • hiroyuki-kasai/NMFLibrary

    NMFLibrary: Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) Library: Version 2.1

  • neel-dey/robustNTF

    PyTorch implementation of Robust Non-negative Tensor Factorization appearing in N. Dey, et al., "Robust Non-negative Tensor Factorization, Diffeomorphic Motion Correction and Functional Statistics to Understand Fixation in Fluorescence Microscopy".

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20414
  • alemme/NNSAE

    Non Negative Sparse AutoEncoder (NNSAE). An efficient online learning scheme for non-negative and sparse coding in autoencoder neural networks.

  • salar96/MEP-Orthogonal-NMF

    Clustering and resource allocation using Deterministic Annealing Approach and Orthogonal Non-negative Matrix Factorization O-(NMF)

  • dpscience/DCONTINPALS

    pyDCONTINPALS - A Python program for running the historical FORTRAN code CONTIN-PALS which solves Fredholm integral equations with convoluted exponential decays as kernels of the type that occur in the analysis of Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectra (PALS).

  • hiroyuki-kasai/SVRMU

    MATLAB code for stochastic variance reduced multiplicative updates (SVRMU) for NMF 1.0.0

  • isucsp/imgRecSrc

  • diploma


    Nonnegative matrix factorization
