
There are 43 repositories under nutritionix-api topic.

  • IBM/watson-calorie-counter

    WARNING: This repository is no longer maintained ⚠️ This repository will not be updated. The repository will be kept available in read-only mode. A mobile app that uses Watson Visual Recognition to provide nutritional analysis of captured food images.

  • andrebng/Food-Diary

    Uses iOS 11 and Apple's CoreML to add nutrition data to your food diary based on pictures. CoreML is used for the image recognition (Inceptionv3). Alamofire (with CocoaPods) is used for REST requests against the Nutritionix-API for nutrition data.

  • phiniezyc/FeedtheBump

    Feed the Bump is an online nutrition diary for pregnant women.

  • ariefzuhri/Gizee

    🍱 Food calculator app | 📚 Dicoding's advanced Android development course final project

  • ak1132/Food-Nutrition-AR-Game

    An augmented reality application using Vuforia Engine and Unity Game Engine built in C#

  • mohammedfahadnyc/Python_APIs-Scripting-WebScraping-Automation-GUI

    Python Projects - APIs, Scripting, Web automation, Web Scraping, Desktop Apps, Games and More

  • murphy1/foodlogger

    Reactive Spring Boot application for tracking daily food intake.

  • bhscomputerscienceclub/modhacks-2020

    Apeiron - Manage your health by tracking what you eat

  • H34TH3RS/food_fight

    A responsvie web based app that uses data pulled from the Nutritionix API to create player characters that battle their way to the end of the game.

  • jodacame/nutritionix-api

    Wrapper for the Nutritionix API

  • stacysn/is_it_keto

    An app to keep yourself accountable by simply typing in servings of food to see if it is keto friendly

  • UFTHaq/Curling-Counter-and-Calories-Burned-Estimated-with-Python-OpenCV-MediaPipe

    App for exercise curling biceps that can help you to estimate the calories burned and track your exercise history.

  • Izemaj/workout-tracking

    This Python script tracks your workouts by leveraging natural language API processing to extract information about the exercises you did. It uses the Nutritionix API to obtain exercise data based on your input, and sends the workout information to a Google Sheets document using the Sheety API.

  • JuditFerenczik/ExerciseTracker

    Calculate the calories burnt during the the

  • Manjunathhs-0003/Workout-Tracking

    The workout tracking project utilizes Sheety API and Google Sheets to record users' exercise activities. It offers a user-friendly command-line interface for inputting workout details, which are then automatically stored and updated in a Google Sheets spreadsheet in real-time.

  • mdzoul/Workout-Tracker

    Coded a workout tracker with Nutritionix and Sheety! #100DaysOfCode #Day038

  • murphy1/DiabDaily

    Diabetes Tracker Application

  • timfilhol96/nutrition_plan

    A convenient tool to plan your daily meals and calculate your daily macros using natural language and Nutritionix API.

  • Harish177/calorieTracker

    Making fitness tracking a daily habit is an effective way to work towards your health goals, so the mission of this web application is to take the heavy-lifting out of keeping up with your food log.

  • Reef-world/Nutritionix-Calculator

    a comprehensive calculator capable of determining the macronutrient composition of multiple recipes with different ingredients both common and branded using the Nutritionix database endpoints

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • reynaroyce12/Workout-Tracker

    NutrionixAPI with Google sheets Integration using Natural language queries 🏋️

  • akankshanehete/workout-tracker

    uses natural language processing to analyze any statement written by the user about their daily exercise. Sheety and nutritionix APIs used to update a google sheets document with the type of exercise, duration and calories burned from the exercise

  • anagha-ravinarayan/exercise-tracker

    Exercise Tracker app in Python

  • FalakShair01/Workout-Tracking

    Workout Tracking using python and and google sheet

  • gitEricsson/Forkify

    Forkify is a recipe web app that lets users search, read, edit, bookmark, and upload recipes using the Forkify API.

  • IliasMariosG/workout-tracking

    Tracking exercises you have done by using a sheet, the Sheety API and the Nutrionix API website in Python3

  • ishita48/Health_Track_App

    The Health Tracker App redefines wellness tracking through cutting-edge technology. Powered by Streamlit, Firebase, and the Nutritionix API, it provides seamless user experiences and in-depth health insights. Users can effortlessly monitor food intake, exercise, and sleep patterns, and create their own secured personalized profiles. Track wellness!

  • jpes707/cssi-exercise-app

    Exercise tracking website created with JavaScript, Firebase, and the API

  • peterken674/nutrimax

    A Flask web app that allows users to find out nutritional information for meals using NLP.

  • santhosh404/Day-20-Nutritionix

    Gives you all the nutrition related details about your favourite food

  • TheWildMonk/exercise-tracker-app-project

    An exercise tracker app built with python which keeps track of user's exercise & calories burned for the exercise through NLP.

  • UlisesJuarez/Workout-Tracking-Using-Google-Sheets

    Uso de la api nutritionix que utiliza gpt3 y sheety que permite guardar datos en google sheets

  • wongprom/python_workout_tracking_google_sheet

    Add workout data to google sheet

  • yoga-0731/exercise-tracker-nlp

    Exercise tracking program using Python, External API