
There are 13 repositories under oecd-data topic.

  • memgonzales/pisa-2018-analysis

    Jupyter notebook presenting the process of data preparation, research question formulation, data analysis, and data modelling with the goal of extracting insights from the 2018 PISA Dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5200
  • adrian-io/pisa-clustered-ols

    Prediction of all countries’ PISA scores with macroeconomic indicators using pooled OLS with clustered standard errors

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • eutaxobservatory/tax-deficit-simulator

    Python repository accompanying the EU Tax Observatory's simulations of the revenue effects of a global minimum tax on corporate income.

  • oecd-cfe-eds/ro2023-country-pages

    Country profiles for Regional Outlook (copy of https://gitlab.algobank.oecd.org/REGIONAL_OUTLOOK_2023/countryprofiles4)

  • victorrssx/OECD-Statistics

    OECD Stats Data Analysis

  • eriliawu/healthcare-spending-fiscal-rules

    Discovering the impact of fiscal rules on public healthcare spending in OECD countries

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • gCascone01/Analisi_Statistica_DPDFP

    Analisi dell'impatto del fumo passivo sulla mortalità nell'UE, realizzata come progetto universitario per il corso di Statistica e Analisi dei Dati (UNISA, Università degli Studi di Salerno). Utilizza dati dell'OECD per esplorare la relazione tra investimenti, eventi storici, politiche sanitarie e decessi prematuri.

  • Rossana-code/Plant_based_meat_project

    This is an analysis of the global plant-based meat market, that take into consideration the following three axes for each country: water shortages, the meat consumption in relation to the production and the percentage of vegetarians. It has been used to build a dashboard on Tableau Public

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • S-Omkar-K/python-projects

    Analytics, ML, DS and Data Visualization projects using python

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • 360-info/report-housing-ownership

    Visualises how people live in their homes—whether they rent or own, whether they have a mortgage, whether their rent is subsidised.

  • j4klein95/foreign_aid

    A simple dashboard to visualize topics on foreign aid such as spending, literacy rates, gdp per capita, and life expectancy.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • JListman/WomenInParliament_OECD

    Visualize data from OECD on women's share of seats in national parliaments
