
There are 9 repositories under olympics-data topic.

  • llui85/olympics-tokyo2020

    A scraper for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics designed to download "complete" data.

  • cosmoduende/r-olympic-games

    Find out which countries have won the most medals and how the participation of nations has changed over time, with R

  • srungta/120-years-of-olympics

    Exploratory data analysis of Olympics participation data set, to understand impact of historical world events on the international games.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4101
  • michaellindstromm/olympic-api

    The Olympic API allows developers to access historical olympic data from 1896 - 2014. The API was built with Ruby on Rails, and architected strictly around REST principles. Full documentation is provided including endpoints, error handling, access, and a dedicated try server. The try server allows for real time requests to the database.

  • gautam-cs/Data_Science

    In this project, I was trying to get most of the relevent information of the data using library like numpy, pandas. I have worked on data like aadhar data, Olympics data

  • Nimisha-V-Arun/120-years-of-Olympic-history-athletes-and-results-

    Applied Clustering techniques

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • BrianLesko/R_Data_Science_Stat5730

    Written by Brian Lesko, the repository contains R Scripts demonstrating data science topics largely originating from study at Ohio State. Contents are written in R studio using the R markdown file. As of 1/21/23 Future projects concerning data science, statistics, and machine learning will be in python in my machine learning Repository

  • dajhutchinson/Olympic-Analysis

    Does the year you are born in an Olympic cycle affect the likelihood of you becoming an Olympic athlete or medalist?

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20