There are 8 repositories under omniauth-facebook topic.
A minimal social networking app with full-stack implementation covering user stories, behavior-driven design, entity modeling, UI/UX design, backend development, and integration testing.
This is a Ruby on Rails app that lets people post and share their favorite Bible verses. The frontend uses HTML, CSS, and ERB syntax, while the Rails backend connects to a SQLite database. Its main features include CRUD functionality, user signup/login with Facebook, and Rspec testing.
Application developed in Ruby on Rails as a template to perform user authentication through their social networks. In this system, the following networks were used as a form of authentication, in addition, of course, to the creation of a standard user with email and password: Facebook, Github and Google.
DevFinder is a Ruby on Rails web application that allows users to post and apply to developer jobs. Features Bootstrap CSS, Devise for user registration / authentication / sessions management, and OmniAuth for Facebook log-in strategy.
Implementing Facebook-OmniAuth with Devise & ActiveAdmin for Rails 6 app
Group project - Web app for creating posts and having a conversation about common points of interest with others.
Rails application that implements oauth2