
There are 31 repositories under onset-detection topic.

  • adamstark/Gist

    A C++ Library for Audio Analysis

  • AudioAnalysisTools


    Audio Analysis Tools plugin for Unreal Engine. Provides a variety of functions for analyzing audio data. Works in conjunction with the Runtime Audio Importer plugin.

  • LimingShi/Bayesian-Pitch-Tracking-Using-Harmonic-model

    Pitch detection and pitch tracking, voicing unvoicing detection (VAD),基音检测

  • ronggong/musical-onset-efficient

    Supplementary information and code for the paper: An efficient deep learning model for musical onset detection

  • aubio/vamp-aubio-plugins

    aubio plugins for Vamp

  • Laknath1996/sEMG-Hand-Gesture-Recognition

    The source code for the real-time hand gesture recognition algorithm based on Temporal Muscle Activation maps of multi-channel surface electromyography (sEMG) signals.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook463010
  • AnotherBadBeatSaberClone


    This is a discontinued but perhaps helpful VR project created during my Master's degree at FH Wedel.

  • smousavi05/Denoising-Custom

    Automatic Microseismic Denoising and Onset Detection using customized thresholding.

  • ychalier/beatviewer

    Beat Tracking and Visualization

  • danielathome19/Form-NN

    Master thesis project - a hybrid Neural Network-Decision Tree system and dataset for classical music form recognition and analysis.

  • ZulfadhliM/python-mir

    Some state-of-the-art music information retrieval techniques written in Python

  • ronggong/jingjuSyllabicSegmentaion

    Code for the paper: Score-informed Syllable Segmentation for A Cappella Singing Voice with Convolutional Neural Networks

  • rand-asswad/muallef

    Study of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) methods for multi-pitch estimation and onset detection.

  • gkalyan04/Audiosis

    Audio Signal Processing (Note Detection, Silence Detection, Peak Detection ,Pitch detection, Onset detection, FFT)

  • LittleYang0531/onset-detection-cplusplus

    Onset detection algorithm written in C++. BanG Dream! 谱面生成器

  • domenicostefani/BioInspiredOnsetDetection

    Bio-inspired Optimization for Real-time Onset Detection, Applied to Aubio-onset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4200
  • internaut/voronoized-musicvideo

    A synthesized music video of the piece "Fortschritt" by kiriloff programmed in Python. Uses the aubio library for onset (rhythm) detection that drives a generative "spider web" effect created via Voronoi tessellation.

  • adrHuerta/rainfall_onset2

    rainfall onset-cessation and extreme indices v2

  • bayuwira/Kendang-Tunggal-Classification-Using-Backpropagation-and-Onset-Detection

    Bali has a diversity of arts that has been recognized by the world, where one of the most famous Balinese arts is the Karawitan art, especially the Kendang Tunggal instrument. Notation documentation or more commonly known as music transcription, can make learning a song easier, and in the case of this research, it makes it easier to learn to play the Kendang Tunggal instrument. The first approach method used to document a kendang tunggal song is onset detection. Onset is when the signal experiences an attack period, which helps segment the sound color of the drum instrument. The segmented kendang tunggal sound color classification uses the Backpropagation algorithm with several features of the frequency domain and time domain as a characteristic of the sound color. Then the kendang tunggal song is revived into a synthetic sound with the Mel Spectral Approximation filter. Based on the research, the optimal parameter for drum sound color segmentation with onset detection is the hop size 110 with normalization of the features on its onset detection function. The optimal backpropagation architecture obtained with a learning rate of 0.9, neurons 10, and epoch 2000 produces an accuracy of 60.85%. The synthesis method using the Mel Log Spectrum Approximation can make synthetic sounds similar to kendang songs with an accuracy of 83.33%

  • MarcelLieb/MusicSync

    A highly configurable audio oriented real time music synchronization program written in Rust.

  • ruohoruotsi/Riddim

    Code for Riddim: A Rhythm Analysis And Decomposition Tool Based On Independent Subspace Analysis (2001)

  • marcvidalbadia/eaR

    eaR is a package for perception-based auditory and music analysis

  • adrHuerta/rainfall_onset

    rainfall onset-cessation and extreme indices

  • AmmarRabie/auto-combine-moshaf

    Python console program. It runs over audio files specified in a configuration file, tries to split the file depending on changing in signal characteristics and grouping closer parts together. It partially succeeded and saved a lot of time extracting only the recitation from many recorded files of praying. In Second phase, I extended it by recognizing which verse were recited. Recitations reordered and final output is each sura in a separate file with a configuration file contains where cuts are applied. Made electron desktop app to tune cuts positions and verse recognition errors

  • Krishanu230/Bach-NoteDetector

    This detector detects the musical notes in a wav file using Discrete Fourier Transform and the Hanning Window.

  • domenicostefani/aubioonset-performanceanalysis

    Analysis of the accuracy and latency of aubioonset methods with different parameters

  • xistva02/The-Effect-of-Audio-Degradation-on-Onset-Detection-Systems

    Supplementary data for the "Audio Degradation Evaluation for Onset Detection Systems" paper.

  • karlosos/acoustic_signals

    Acoustic Signals Course - 2021

    Language:Jupyter Notebook40
  • sevagh/metalgroove.xyz

    website for my metal-related projects
