
There are 5 repositories under opensource-contribution topic.

  • BlurryFace04/RepoRadar

    RepoRadar is a personalized GitHub open-source recommendation system. It uses content-based filtering and machine learning to guide developers to open-source projects for meaningful contributions.

  • mtjin/ChocoBar

    (오픈소스기여) The usual Snackbar with more 🍫 and colours :tada:

  • intelops/oss-employees-management-guide

    A global guide to all USA based startups on how to manage hiring of resources in overseas and pay their salaries by following US payroll & tax laws so that your startup stays clean with auditing.

  • Lil-Projects/OpenSource-Contribution

    🎯 Help beginners to contribute to Open Source projects

  • lasuillard/django-environ

    Django-environ allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment variables to configure your Django application.
