
There are 5 repositories under ordinances topic.

  • noclocks/municode-scraper

    Scraping the codes documented in the Municode digital library

  • spencerparkin/family-tree-analyzer

    FamilySearch.org will let you download your tree using RootsMagic along with all LDS ordinance data, from which you can export a GEDCOM file. That file is then analyzed by the Python script to generate some nice reports in the form of text files, spread sheets, or even rendered PNG files.

  • briandrum/codes.forchagrin.com

    An Unofficial Repository of The Codified Ordinances of Chagrin Falls, Ohio.

  • jeffrpowell/temple-name-pool

    Allow ward members to coordinate a pool of temple names

  • kylak/NT-ordonnances

    Liste des ordonnances néotestamentaires - List of New Testament ordinances