
There are 17 repositories under orphanages topic.

  • CaptainVish/Orphanage-Database-Management-System

    This is a web oriented project on Orphanage Management System which keeps record of all the orphans. This is a simple project which uses PHP for connection and MySQL for storing records in database. I have also provided a feature to add a payment gateway to accept donations .

  • Pedro-Murilo/happy

    Application developed to schedule visits to orphanages! ⭐

  • Miltonr87/Happy-Xmas

    Web App developed during the 3.0 Rocketseat Next Level Week challenge, held in October (2020) and updated for the Christmas period.

  • HarshiniBorugadda/Orphanage-Donation-Adoption-Services

    This repo contains only static web pages that are related to donation and adoption services.

  • israelsantana01/happy

    The project made at Next Level Week event by Rocketseat.

  • marcoaminotto/happy

    Happy is an online platform which assists people to visit children in orphanages and make their days more happy.

  • r3nanp/happy-server

    A web server for Happy, to make orphanages closer to you!

  • raphmello/orphanage-visit-webapp

    Developed with: HTML, CSS and Javascript.

  • StefanoSaffran/happy

    Happy - Developed during the event NLW 3.0 by @Rocketseat

  • ahyalfan/cerita-untuk-mereka-be

    Orphanage Donation System is a comprehensive digital platform designed to facilitate and streamline donations to orphanages. This application provides a secure and efficient way for individuals and organizations to contribute, track donations, and view the impact of their support.

  • AlyxsonMarques/Happy-NLW3

    Site cujo objetivo é uma ação beneficente a crianças carentes, projeto fornecido pela RocketSeat

  • augustopohl/happy.app

    The app's purpose is to make it easier for people to find local orphanages for visiting and to bring joy for children and teens in social vulnerability.

  • cja5553/tweets_mining_social_concerns_orphans

    codes for: "Applications of social-media mining in examining the social concerns of orphans during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic."

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • Happy_NLW


    Um projeto didático Front-end e Back-end, que cadastra orfanatos de uma determinada região, com suas informações, localização no mapa, fotos e etc. Utilizando HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, e Node.js!

  • thlindustries/happyProject

    Um breve projeto proposto pela equipe da RocketSeat durante a NextLevelWeek#3

  • CaioAugustoo/happy

    🧒 Aplicação mobile desenvolvida com React Native desenvolvida durante a NLW 3

  • manutdmohit/vwf-frontend

    Volunteers Without Frontiers is an organization located in Tikapur, Kailali. It's main goal is to help poor, orphange childrens providing good education, health, and other facilities.
