
There are 9 repositories under outbreak-analysis topic.

  • epinowcast/epinowcast

    Tools to enable flexible and efficient hierarchical nowcasting of epidemiological time-series using a semi-mechanistic Bayesian model with support for a range of reporting and generative processes.

  • epiverse-trace/cfr

    R package to estimate disease severity and under-reporting in real-time, accounting for reporting delays in epidemic time-series

  • epiverse-trace/finalsize

    R package to calculate the final size of an SIR epidemic in populations with heterogeneity in social contacts and disease susceptibility

  • epiverse-trace/epiCo

    R package for statistical and spatiotemporal modeling of epidemiological data for vector-borne diseases in Colombia

  • nfidd/nfidd

    Course on nowcasting and forecasting of infectious disease dynamcis

  • epiverse-trace/episoap

    [Not published - under active development] A Store of Outbreak Analytics Pipelines Provided as Rmarkdown Report Templates

  • AdithyaOthayoth/Disease-Outbreak-analysis-and-prediction

    This project analyzes a cholera outbreak using Python, integrating environmental, historical, and climatic variables to create a predictive model for early detection and response.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • gauravcodepro/bacterial-model-fractions

    risk modelling for virbrio infections and estimating the attributable rates
