
There are 18 repositories under paid-flavors topic.

  • DenisDavidek/Build_It_Bigger

    Build It Bigger is an Android app which tells jokes. This app is created with multiple flavors that uses multiple libraries and Google Cloud Endpoints. This is a Project 4 of Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree.

  • vikasdesale/Joke-Telling-App

    Used Gradle to build a joke-telling app that has both a free and paid version. This included factoring functionality into libraries as well as using build flavors to modularize the construction of each variant of the app. I also configured a Google Cloud Endpoints development server to supply the jokes.

  • BBarisKilic/Build-It-Bigger-App

    Fourth Project at Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree Program.

  • hpols/BuildItBigger

    A joke-telling app implementing GCE, flavors and the modularization there of.

  • Osaigbovo/BuildItBigger

    Udacity Build It Bigger Project showcasing: Free/Paid Flavors + App Engine Standard + Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE) + Gradle Custom Tasks + Android & Java Libraries.

  • suryachintu/BuildItBigger

    Project for course of Gradle

  • Zanerast/Practice_App-Joke_Telling

    Android project for Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree

  • Fransunisoft/BuildItBigger

    Used Gradle to build a joke-telling app that has both a free and paid version. This included factoring functionality into libraries as well as using build flavors to modularize the construction of each variant of the app. I also configured a Google Cloud Endpoints development server to supply the jokes.

  • hendercine/BuildItBigger_4.0

    A joke-telling app with multiple flavors, that uses multiple libraries & Google Cloud Endpoints (GCE). There are four modules: A Java library that provides jokes, a GCE project to serve them, an Android Library with an activity to display the jokes, & an Android app that fetches jokes from the GCE & passes them to the Android Library for display.

  • instance686/FinalProjectGradle

    Android Project with multi-flavour support along with gradle use

  • kgundula/BuildItBigger

    Build it bigger Joke telling app.

  • notnotnithin/BuildItBigger

    Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree, Project 4

  • SumiBala/BuildItBigger

    Gradle (Udacity Project)

  • iamareebjamal/BuildItBigger

    Udacity Project 4 for learning gradle and testing

  • krypten/JokeTeller

    Joke Telling Android Application to make you laugh. Used Gradle to build a joke-telling app that has both a free and paid version. This included factoring functionality into libraries as well as using build flavors to modularize the construction of each variant of the app. I also configured a Google Cloud Endpoints development server to supply the jokes.

  • petya0111/udacity-connect-java-local-backend-android-app

    Udacity course Android app demonstrating using java lib in android project. Added local backend project in android as a module. Used Gradle App Engine plugin to deploy a backend. Used free and paid flavors of the app, with and without ads.

  • Shady-Selim/Jokes

    Jokes, part of the Udacity’s Android Developer Nanodegree, made by Shady Selim

  • sooshin/android-joke-telling-app

    Build It Bigger Project for Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree
