
There are 4 repositories under pandarallel topic.

  • pooja97/ethio_hydro

    Worked with Ethiopia's rain and temperature time series data. Processed and analyzed 67 million Data and created a dashboard to monitor it.

  • elmahsieh/UDN_NewsScrapper_GPT_Categorizer

    This project automates the scraping of news articles from the United Daily News (UDN) website, filters and processes them using specified keywords and OpenAI's GPT for Named Entity Recognition (NER), and exports the categorized data into a CSV file.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • ewald-florian/Data-Science-Projects

    Collection of data-science projects.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • rrfsantos/Airbnb-Segmentacao-dos-principais-assuntos-das-reviews

    Segmentação dos principais assuntos das reviews utilizando Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). Pandas, Spacy, Deep Translator, GoogleTranslator, googletrans, NLTK, LDA, WordCloud, Pandarallel, pyLDAvis, sklearn, GridSearchCV.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100