
There are 15 repositories under panic-button topic.

  • pampanic/pam_panic

    A PAM module that protects sensitive data and provides a panic function for emergency situations. Authentication through passwords or removable media.

  • 0x5ECF4ULT/PanicTrigger

    An app for emergency situation

  • twelvesec/panicbutton

    Windows application aiming to preserve cryptographic information used by ransomware operations. If you suspect a ransomware is running on your pc, then hit the Panic button! Panic Button will dump all of your memory (and potentially the encryption keys of the ransomware) to a file and hibernate your system. Then you should call the IT guys :)

  • safedotme/safe

    Safe is an open source mobile platorm to discretely capture incidents with ease, powered by an SMCE written in native Swift and Kotlin.


    The aim of the project is to develop an Android application that lets its users to send notifications in case of an emergency or a panic situation. The users can send multiple text messages and emails on the press of a single button. The phone numbers, email ids and the contents of the text and email messages can be set from within the application. The text messages and emails sent, along with the content, also have the last known location of the user. This is very helpful in tracking the whereabouts of the person.

  • hafiizh10/E-RCE

    E-RCE adalah aplikasi pelayanan gawat darurat untuk masyarakat yang membutuhkan pertolongan seperti kecelakaan lalu lintas, kebakaran, dan pelayanan ambulans. Selain itu aplikasi ini juga dapat menjadi sistem informasi untuk organisasi yang bergerak dibidang kemanusiaan seperti PMI, PSC, dan organisasi swasta lainnya.

  • Abhishek0697/IoT_SmartCar

    Arduino Code for integration of GSM module, GPS module, and various sensor to implement smart car features

  • nicoagr/Target

    Ultimate Background Utility

  • dmtzs/panic-button-sensor

    A project in which you can be able to push a button to send a signal to the police and an alcohol sensor so you can send a message to one familiar

  • L0stedMrlion/LionPanicButton

    🦁 Mrlion's FiveM for LEO panic buttons

  • rohitutekar/quick-exit

    Allow visitors to quickly exit your website and load safe websites.

  • luisenricke/BotonPanico

    This project is to try to solve the immediate communication when you consider yourself in danger

  • mickoissicko/panik

    A tool that kills any program upon the press of a button!

  • AnuradhaIyer/SilverSnug

    SilverSnug - A Technology Companion for the Elderly
