There are 25 repositories under pareto-optimality topic.
[ICML 2020] Efficient Continuous Pareto Exploration in Multi-Task Learning
AutoOED: Automated Optimal Experimental Design Platform
NSGA-III: Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm, the Third Version — MATLAB Implementation
Genetic Algorithm (GA) for a Multi-objective Optimization Problem (MOP)
🎓An AI tool to assist universities with optimal allocation of students to supervisors for their dissertations. Devised a multi-objective genetic algorithm for the task.
Finding optimal no of clusters in MOPSO implementation of Wireless Sensor Networks.
Code for "A Framework for Controllable Pareto Front Learning with Completed Scalarization Functions and its Applications"
This paper presents an intelligent sizing method to improve the performance and efficiency of a CMOS Ring Oscillator (RO). The proposed approach is based on the simultaneous utilization of powerful and new multi-objective optimization techniques along with a circuit simulator under a data link. The proposed optimizing tool creates a perfect tradeoff between the contradictory objective functions in CMOS RO optimal design. This tool is applied for intelligent estimation of the circuit parameters (channel width of transistors), which have a decisive influence on RO specifications. Along the optimal RO design in an specified range of oscillaton frequency, the Power Consumption, Phase Noise, Figure of Merit (FoM), Integration Index, Design Cycle Time are considered as objective functions. Also, in generation of Pareto front some important issues, i.e. Overall Nondominated Vector Generation (ONVG), and Spacing (S) are considered for more effectiveness of the obtained feasible solutions in application. Four optimization algorithms called Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA), Multi-Objective Inclined Planes system Optimization (MOIPO), Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) and Multi-Objective Modified Inclined Planes System Optimization (MOMIPO) are utilized for 0.18-mm CMOS technology with supply voltage of 1-V. Baesd on our extensive simulations and experimental results MOMIPO outperforms the best performance among other multi-objective algorithms in presented RO designing tool.
The python implementation of Partition-based Random Search for stochastic multi-objective optimization via simulation
Master project. Simulator to find the optimal deployment model of FaaS (serverless) and VM-based instances to reduce cost
Оптимизация долгосрочного портфеля акций
:chart_with_downwards_trend: Disk Storage of Compressed k-mer Dictionaries, with or without Random Access in Main Memory.
which kart setups are good
Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm based on Decomposition (MOEA/D) in MATLAB
Finding Pareto Optimal Solutions in Large Graphs Using Graph Databases
DVFS framework addressing the problem of performance-energy trade-off, 2023.
Implementation of verification algorithms for the Pareto-Rational Verification problem (PRV problem).
Multi-objective optimization based on sloping plate optimization algorithm called Multi-objective Inclined Planes system optimization algorithm (MOIPO) is presented in this link. The proposed method uses the concept of Pareto optimization to identify non-dominant positions and an external tank to maintain these positions.
Instantaneous Flow Tracker accurately analyzes protein flows in mitotic spindles and filamentous actin meshworks in regions with highly dynamic, anti-parallel networks where previous methods failed
Code for calibration as a method of design.
Tesis de Ingeniería en Computación: Extensión de PostgreSQL con Mecanismos de Optimización de Consultas basadas en Preferencias (Mención Honorífica).
(BSc Hons) Combining Machine Learning Techniques with Multi-Objective evolutionary Algorithms to Solve Real World Engineering Problems
Simple multi-objective optimisation routine based on Celery
MOEA image segmentation with NSGA-II and weighted sum GA
Pareto-optimal data compression for binary classification tasks