
There are 5 repositories under pavement-crack-detection topic.

  • qinnzou/DeepCrack

    DeepCrack: Learning Hierarchical Convolutional Features for Crack Detection

  • pavement-degradation-Resnet50


    A deep learning model demonstration to identify and classify pavement degradation. Created my dataset by Web Scraping over 10,000 images of pavement images

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3303
  • ruman1609/Detection-Of-Road-Damage-Using-Faster-Regional-Convolutional-Neural-Network-Method

    Pothole detection using Faster R-CNN Model by FurkanOM. Code for Detection Of Road Damage Using Faster Regional-Convolutional Neural Network Method paper

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3203
  • DrEdwardLee/PCmPA-PCmFFA

    In this repository, two types of robust multi-scale anisotropy features, namely PCmPA and PCmFFA, that considering the local contextual information of curvilinear structures are extracted from phase congruency maps for the effective discrimination of isotropic structures and curvilinear structures.

  • JPchomp/roughness

    Brief project trying to find the implementability of mobile accelerometer data to measure road roughness and predict pavement condition (PSI)
