There are 5 repositories under pdksh topic.
MirBSD Korn Shell Source Code Mirror – This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. This repository is a mirror and may receive forced (non-fast-forward) updates. Please contribute to the CVS repository of The MirOS Project instead. See https://github.com/mirabilos/mksh for some experiments autobuilding this with Travis-CI and GitHub Actions and for Coverity Scan.
[pd/m/o]ksh[93] plugin. Coloring built in.
Shell snippets of random value. Not intended to be packaged, more like aid to developers, training purposes or a code library. Each of the snippets is separate and may have separate authors.
World known regular command `which`, implemented as fully POSIX compliant sh shell function with no dependencies
A test runner for POSIX-compliant shells