
There are 3 repositories under people-er topic.

  • PEOPLE-ER/Spectral-Recovery

    Spectral recovery analysis for forested ecosystems in Python. Part of the PEOPLE-ER project.

  • PEOPLE-ER/Wetland-Function-Assessment

    The PEOPLE-ER Wetland and Wetness Trends tool provides a flexible, powerful set of EO data analytics tools to support wetland ER assessment. The tool provides methods for high-resolution satellite EO data time series analysis to enable monitoring of surface water dynamics and wetness trends in natural to heavily modified wetland ecosystems.


    The k-NN tool is to provide a generic tool to conduct k Nearest Neighbour (k-NN) prediction of continuous forest target variables of interest. In the context of Ecosystem Restoration monitoring, the tool allows wall-to-wall propagation of the variables of interest using field reference data and provided EO datasets. Part of the PEOPLE-ER project.