
There are 5 repositories under pet-detection topic.

  • miki998/pet_recognition

    pet recognition using (for now) basic LBPH features comparing and Yolov3 detection + HaarCascade detection

    Language:Jupyter Notebook22306
  • ideaRunner/yolo-pet

    Real-time pet detection and recognition with yolo

  • NadavIs56/YOLOv8-Dog-Couch-RealTimeDetection

    YOLOv8-Dog-Couch-RealTimeDetection is a specialized computer vision system built on the YOLOv8 model. It's designed to detect in real-time when a dog climbs onto a couch and subsequently triggers an alert. Ideal for pet owners seeking to train their pets or maintain their furniture. Open for adaptation to other object detection scenarios.

  • ideaRunner/chongaiyoujia

    An app for pets, implemented pet detection and recognition.

  • jr2ngb2/Object_Detection

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00