
There are 6 repositories under phase-estimation-algorithm topic.

  • quantum-algorithms-tutorials


    Tutorials for Quantum Algorithms with Qiskit implementations.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21712371
  • qcc4cp/qcc

    Source code for the book "Quantum Computing for Programmers", Cambridge University Press

  • rubenandrebarreiro/ibm-qiskit-global-summer-school-2023

    ⚛️ 👨‍🏫 📚 A two-week intensive Summer School on Quantum Computing from IBM Quantum, using mostly the features of the IBM's Qiskit library. In this Summer School, were lectured topics on basics of Quantum Information, Quantum Entanglement, Quantum Algorithms, Quantum Error Mitigation, among many others.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook19507
  • TFermion


    A non-Clifford gate cost assessment library of quantum phase estimation algorithms for quantum chemistry

  • 108mk/IBM_Quantum_Spring_challenge_2023

    My attempts for IBM Quantum Spring challenge 2023. The labs were dedicated to dynamic circuits and its utilities in quantum error corrections. I has the oppertunity to run my quantum circuiits on 127-qubit ibm qauntum eagle processor.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • deadshot8086/quantum-grover-boolean-sat

    Solve k-SAT problem with grover's algorithm in quantum computer
