
There are 16 repositories under phenotype-prediction topic.

  • transbioZI/BioMM

    BioMM: Biological-informed Multi-stage Machine learning framework for phenotype prediction using omics data

  • grimmlab/easyPheno

    easyPheno: a model agnostic phenotype prediction framework

  • univieCUBE/phenotrex

    Microbial Phenotype Prediction, successor to PICA, implemented with Python 3.7 and scikit-learn

  • foundation29org/RareCrowds

    Package to serve public and freely-available data from rare disease patients.

  • niekverw/ukpheno

    Create binary traits for UKbio using ICD/OPER/medication/self reports/age of diagnosis/visit-dates etc). The current output includes variables on history, study visit, future, time-to-first-event, episode-duration. this is a starting point to construct your favorite trait in ukb. The code was written on the go, so not super clean code..

  • grimmlab/phenotype_prediction

    A comparison of classical and machine learning-based phenotype prediction methods on simulated data and three plant species

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2202
  • ivanwilliammd/IDeRare

    Indonesia Exome Rare Disease Variant Discovery Pipeline. Phenotype analysis part available on Streamlit and PyPi

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • ivanwilliammd/iderare-pheno

    IdeRare Phenotype Analysis suite : Convert Indonesia SATUSEHAT terminology (SNOMED-CT, LOINC, ICD-10) to Rare Disease Terminology / Ontology (HPO, OMIM) and find the likelihood differential gene and disease explaining patient phenotype

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • quantitative_mutations


    A class based on COBRApy to handle quantitative mutations on metabolic models.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1150
  • superphy/kmer

    Using machine learning to predict E. coli phenotypes

  • Yun-Ching-Chen/GIBI

    Bayesian Network Model Predicting Personal Phenotypes using Genome-Sequencing Data

  • FloFlo93/PICA-to-go

    Phenotype prediction pipeline

  • gomezlab/kinotypeClusteringAndRegression

    Joint Repository of GR Metrics Regression and Kinase Interaction Network (KIN) Clustering

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • GenomeNet/microbeLLM

    MicrobeLLM is a Python tool that harnesses the power of large language models (LLMs) for microbial phenotype prediction.

  • samanta-anupam/pheno-predictor

    Comp Bio fall 2017 project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook31