
There are 269 repositories under phpmyadmin-database topic.

  • rizwansoaib/Android-Library-Management

    Android Library Management Project

  • hemanth0808/Placement_portal_management

    placement portal management ,where student upload or share their placement details (getting a job). Which can be monitored by staff and they can download the offerletter of the respective job and they can also generate student list (based on their academics) on company criteria. finally admin can modify the student marks.

  • raj-rathod/danceworkshop

    it's mini project for database management(DBMS) using mysql , its basically for dance workshop where a group can organize a dance workshop and manage the participant and coach data

  • abhisheks008/Medical-Store-Management-System

    In this project I have deployed a Medical Store Management System as a Web App using PHP and MySQL

  • benjdiasaad/Restaurant_management_system

    Laravel Restaurant Management System Project

  • tanmoysrt/Simple_Dynamic_Website

    Simple Dynamic Website Built With HTML, CSS, PHP & MySQL Database

  • Rafin31/E-Banking-System-Laravel-

    This is a Summer 2020-2021 Advanced Web-Technology mid-term project where we have developed a full front-end and back-end system for an E-Banking system using Laravel framework and PHP my admin.

  • RaspberryPiHandbook


    Raspberry PI 4 handbook based on what I found most interesting, helpful and intriguing. From owning one to configuring in such a way that it becomes coding machine and even a web server!

  • MuhaddiMu/Client-Management-In-PHP

    Client Management or Client Address Book which allows you to Add, Delete, Edit, Remove Clients in Client Address Book.

  • hemanth0808/counsellor_portal_management

    In general, for every student there will be a counsellor who will monitor all his activties such as attendence, marks, curricular and extra curricular activities. Here in this project the student can also update his curricular and extra curricular activities which will be viewed by councellor.

  • Your-Skin/YourSkin

    Your Skin is an Android Application that users can check skincare product ingredients by searching by categories of Skincare product or type search. This application using java and XML as the Frontend and PHP and SQL database as the backend.

  • surajdevgan/MazeRunner

    Lambton College, 2nd Semester Final Android Project (MazeRunner) by Suraj Devgan, Sukhjeet Singh (@Sukhi3395), V. Gracy Sai (@Gracysai), Neha (@NazimaNeha) and Pavan (@PavanPilli)

  • teja963/NITC--QUESTION

    This project is a prototype for NITC students to access the previous year's question papers as well as upload question papers . Students can also navigate through features such as placement information, elective course information, and reference materials. Developed a NITC QUESTION BANK using HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, MYSQL

  • victoriaEssien/Flight-Reservation-System

    This system allows reservation of flights

  • aqilusman45/online-voting-system-uwp-dotnet

    Online Voting System UWP .NET XAML FIREBASE MYSQL

  • Wolverine3650/Web-Application-using-JSP-Mysql-database.

    Basic Web Appliaction that lets the user to sign-up, log-in and adopt pets and learn about raising them.

  • pb24578/asaccount

    Login/Register System Template made in Actionscript 3.0, PHP, and MySQL.

  • Salman-Abdulqadir/kicks-shoe-store

    Full stack shoe online store web application using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, and PHP

  • utsavpatel562/learnovice

    E-Learning Management System

  • ealpha072/PHP-Library

    A library management system with user and admin sections.

  • jelonmusk/my_site_new

    A Student-oriented, DBMS e-commerce online shopping web application for buying academic essentials with student discounts.

  • kulasekara02/Online-Express-supermarket

    online-Express-supermarket website is a great example of how to use CSS, JS, PHP, and MySQL to create a dynamic and functional website with multiple user roles

  • NehaW4/Doctor_appointment

    Developed a Doctor's Appointment System facilitating seamless scheduling for patients and doctors. Administrators manage doctor details, while doctors view appointments and update availability. Patients browse and request appointments effortlessly. This system streamlines healthcare processes, ensuring efficient communication and scheduling.

  • nitesh-tiwari-cse/Personalized-treatment-based-on-patient-history

    A Web portal to predict whether the person is diabetic, prediabetic or healthy and then provide him personalized prelimnary treatment in the form of diet and exercise plan. The name of the web portal is Myfitness. The system is made for 3 users mainly Patient, Doctor and Admin. The function of Admin is to Add new Doctors in the system. The function of Doctor is to view Appointments booked by the Patient. The Patient needs to register and Login to the system. After successfully login the user needs to fill up an Analysis form so that prediction can take place. Everytime the user fills up the Analysis form the data is given to Machine learning model and prediction takes place. I have used KNN model to predict weather the person is diabetic, prediabetic or healthy. The patient can also get the visualization of the input and the output parameters. The data set is taken from kaggle.

  • sammmy047/MiniFb

    Implemented A Social Network for students to be able to connect with other students and professors in a professional way. Thus allowing them to share thoughts and resources with each other.

  • stevencodelab/SPK-Topsis

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) Pemilihan Kamera dengan menggunakan metode Topsis (Technique For Others Reference by Similarity to Ideal Solution)

  • thanawat1303/PROJECT-GAP

    This is Web Application by React for Royal Project

  • ErenElagz/Hastane-Randevu-Sistemi

    php sql database bağlantısı kullanarak hastane randevu sistemi

  • hikiasi/autoservice

    Full Stack App Autoservice. Полноценный веб-сайт с админ-панелью по теме "Автосервис"

  • komalkhatria/Food-Order-Website

    BCA Project

  • LumiNovryM/python-bot-absensi

    Bot Telegram yang dibuat menggunakan Python. Terintegrasi Database, Hak Akses (Role), dan Security

  • nirav-gajera/simple-crud-php

    simple CRUD operation using php

  • uttamks2003/Social-Web-Chat

    A PHP and CSS-based Social Networking Website Our project aims to revolutionize social networking by offering a dynamic and user-friendly platform built using PHP and CSS. With sleek design elements and robust functionality, users can connect, communicate, and collaborate seamlessly. Features include personalized profiles, real-time messaging.
