
There are 30 repositories under phytoplankton topic.

  • AquaticEcoDynamics/libaed2

    Code for the AED2 water quality / ecology library

  • blackcata/Emergent_Constraints

    Calculating future changes in Arctic phytoplankton using the emergent constraint method

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9203
  • OSU-CEOAS-Schmittner/UVic2.9

    This is the base code of the University of Victoria (UVic) Earth System Climate Model version 2.9 with the Model of Ocean Biogeochemistry and Isotopes (MOBI).

  • seaflow-uw/popcycle

    Popcycle is an R package that offers reproducible analytical tools to analyze flow cytometry data collected by SeaFlow

  • JoanaR/multi-mode-CNN-pytorch

    A PyTorch implementation of the Multi-Mode CNN to reconstruct Chlorophyll-a time series in the global ocean from oceanic and atmospheric physical drivers

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8213
  • jllort/PISCESv1_1D

    As part of my PhD I created a 1D biogeochemical configuration based on PISCES model (version 1 - Bopp et al, 2005) The configuration was created to study the impact of environmental changes (mainly Mixed Layer Depth and Light) over Southern Ocean primary production, from the seasonal to decadal scales.

  • CassiaCai/MJO_chlorophyll_a_SST

    Research Derby project to study the connection between MJO, chlorophyll-a, and SST

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3200
  • vaulot/Ribeiro_CARBOM_ISME_2018

    Supplementary files for Ribeiro et al. ISME 2018

  • yfipml/oceanomalies

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • ayushnag/sophy

    Southern Ocean phytoplakton observations stored in a relational SQL database

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2112
  • blackcata/MOD_plankton_model

    Modules for the Lagrangian Plankton Model (LPM) integrated on the PALM LES model in the ocean mixed layer

  • planktos


    Planktos is an image recognition model tailored for classifying various species of phytoplankton. Built using cutting-edge machine learning algorithms, this tool enables researchers and environmentalists to automate and accelerate the identification process, enhancing studies in marine biology and ecology.

  • dkauf42/PIcurves

    Functions and a walkthrough to visualize common photosynthesis-irradiance relationships

  • nbaetge/phytofuego

    assess the impact of 2024 Central American fires on surface ocean properties in the Gulf of Mexico

  • SalishSeaCast/SOG-Bloomcast-Ensemble

    Branch of the SoG-bloomcast project that uses an ensemble forecast.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2220
  • blackcata/MHW_properties

    Calculate various MHWs(Marine Heat Waves) properties from daily SST datas

  • PStegmann/Westberry_08_model

    An implementation of the depth-resolved phytoplankton primary production model by Westberry et al. 2008.

  • spinyAnoxia


    Scripts, data and outputs to process the data and recreate the figures from Rohwer, Ladwig et al. (2022)

  • fidoplankter


    An online calculator for iron limitation culture experiments

  • CohenLabUGA/SAB_isolates

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • dkauf42/eppGrowMax

    Function that calculates the maximum phytoplankton growth rate at specified temperature(s) according to the Eppley growth curve

  • Isabell-Hochfeld/Adaptive-Phytoplankton-Community-Model

    This work is part of the PhytoArk project.

  • J-YDi/Stage-M2-DIAS_JY

    Github of the Jean-Yves DIAS Internship

  • lg11235/mixotroph-adaptive-dynamics

    Provides Mathematica code to generate results from "Modeling the Metabolic Evolution of Mixotrophic Phytoplankton in Response to Rising Ocean Surface Temperatures"

  • poplarShift/ice-edge

    Code and data for Randelhoff et al. (2019), "The evolution of light and vertical mixing across a phytoplankton ice-edge bloom"

  • themiskon/end2end

    from first principles to end to end ecosystem models

  • AngelDann/CNN_Fitoplankton

    Este es un repositorio para un proyecto enfocado en la clasificación de fitplancton.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • SalishSeaCast/SOG-Bloomcast

    Superseded by SoG-bloomcast is a an operational oceanography project to provide daily updated forecasts of the first spring phytoplankton bloom in the Strait of Georgia on the British Columbia south coast. In addition to being part of an active research program on the physics and biogeochemistry of the Salish Sea, SoG-bloomcast is intended as a demonstration of how small university research groups can use lightweight software automation to publish near-real-time model results to the web. SoG-bloomcast uses the SOG coupled physics-biogeochemical model for deep estuaries to do its science.

  • vaulot/R_flow-cytometry-correction

    Correction for flow cytometry histograms when part of the population is in noise
