
There are 4 repositories under pickle-files topic.

  • haochengxia/vscode-pydata-viewer

    Display PyData files (.npz .npy .pkl .pth) in VSCode.

  • shreyansh-kothari/Grapes-Leaf-Disease-detection

    Built a deep learning model using tensorflow and keras in python for grape leaf disease detection. Used OpenCV for image processing

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11212
  • SINGHxTUSHAR/CineMatch

    This is a Movie Recommendation Project which recommend the related movie based on your watch history, it uses the Cosine-Similarity concept along with the NLP techniques to recommend the next related movie.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • anubhav1433/Songs-Recommendation-System

    The System is used to take a song as an input from the given dataset and with the help of trained ML model it recommends top 10 songs that matches the same vibe.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101