
There are 8 repositories under play-games topic.

  • Heroic-Games-Launcher/HeroicGamesLauncher

    A games launcher for GOG, Amazon and Epic Games for Linux, Windows and macOS.

  • jrmi/airboardgame

    AirBoardGame is a virtual table top (VTT) to play and create any boardgame online with your friends

  • flame-engine/crystap

    The simplest game to test Google Play Games Services

  • doppeltilde/firebase_game_services

    Dart package linking Google's Play Games and Apple's Game Center with Firebase.

  • whitehatboy005/Jarvis

    Its equipped with a variety of features to enhance your productivity and convenience. It can open and close any apps, search anything on Google and Wikipedia, check the temperature, facilitate message passing, transcribe spoken words into text, play games, utilize AI features , perform keyboard shortcuts, control volume, play songs, etc...

  • Abhiek187/MiniBrainAge

    An Android app where users draw a number and machine learning does the rest

  • HarrisonStrand/template-monster-arcade-feature

    This project is designed as an arcade game portal for Hubb as part of the virtual event space product. Users can navigate to the arcade main page and choose which game to play to take a break from their company webinars in the virtual space. This project was created with Angular and Typescript with the use of the p5.js library and Figma and CSS for front-end design.

  • soham0-0/wheel-of-mayhem

    It's a little something i made to play games in video calls Xd
