
There are 78 repositories under pointers-in-c topic.

  • philip-murray/cereal-raw-pointer-support-CRPS

    CRPS - cereal raw pointer support. Enables serialization of non-owning pointers which point to objects that are co-serialized by the cereal graph traversal.

  • abados/Generate-Processes-Dlls

    C project, pulling data about current processes and dll's in your local machine, and generate the data into HTML pages

  • afeefahmed241/phoneBookApplication

    A Standard phone Book console application project built with C

  • AR0Z/Henallux-B1-C-JoueursPersonnages

    Summary exercise: full project

  • belovetech/alx-low_level_programming

    A solid foundation in low-level programming using C, the mother of all languages. This codebase includes functional and dynamic programming, data structures (arrays, singly and doubly linked lists, hash tables), memory management, I/O operations, kernel interaction, and more.

  • fabeklou/Playing_with_pointers

    Here I'm learning more about pointers in C, in order to improve my understanding of the subject.

  • Gespinoza10/Pointers-Vectors-Allocated-Memory

    Pointers, Vectors, Structures, Dynamically Allocated Memory.

  • haid-er/C-Language

    Repository contains the codes about programming fundamentals of C Language.

  • kabir-afk/C-and-Cpp

    here is a list of all the things I've done in c and c++

  • kasu1601/maze-game

    a simple CLI based maze game developed using C

  • matheus1950/INF029-LaboratorioDeProgramacao

    Disciplina de Laboratório de Programação cursada em linguagem C.

  • Muk200/Data-Structure-and-Algorithm

    my leanings of data structure and algorithm in c++ language

  • niccolosottile/Principles-of-programming-in-C-

    5 programming questions in C which test your understanding of C programming (syntax, data structures, pointers, and dynamic memory allocation)

  • ObedRav/Low_level_programming

    This repository contains programs written for the low-level programming and algorithm track at Holberton School.

  • prempreetbrar/Auction

    A program that simulates an auction using POSIX threads in C, where each thread represents a bidder. Progress bars are displayed to see what value each bidder is bidding.

  • rajh-phuyal/42printf

    Self implemented printf.

  • Red-Cloud2000/Payment_app_egFWD

    Payment systems are now available everywhere and everyone interacts with these systems every day. There are different types of transactions you can make, SALE, REFUND, Pre-Authorization, and VOID. SALE: means to buy something and its price will be deducted from your bank account. REFUND: this means that you will return something and wants your money back to your bank account. Pre-Authorization: means holding an amount of money from your account, e.g Hotel reservation. VOID: this means canceling the transaction, e.g if the seller entered the wrong amount. You are required to implement the SALE transaction only by simulating the card, terminal(ATM), and the server.

  • vinayak-vohra/dsa-programs

    [2023] (MCA - Sem 1) DSA lab programs

  • youssef-ahmmed/alx-low_level_programming

    This repo covers C programming and low level concepts learnt and applied in projects during ALX track

  • ANSANJAY/00_PointersInC

    Explore the world of pointers in C. This repository is a comprehensive guide that demystifies pointers and their usage, providing examples, documentation, and practical exercises. Perfect for beginners and intermediate learners looking to deepen their understanding of pointers in programming.

  • divyanshchoudhary01/generic-data-structure

    In this data structure you can store any kind of data of different data type . This data structure can used in development of applications

  • gipage/prc-maq-prog1

    Software de administración de ingresantes de la FCFMyN - UNSL como proyecto final de la materia Programación I año 2020

  • josiashod/alx-low_level_programming

    Low-Level Programming - Data Structures, Algorithms, Linux/Unix System Programming

  • leandroblandi/TDA-Negocios

    Este repositorio contiene un proyecto de C realizado en Code::Blocks el cual trabaja directamente con TDA (Teoría del Dato Abstracto), con la temática de Negocios. Se puede ingresar los datos de un Negocio, y además algunos pares de Productos que pueda tener.

  • leandroblandi/TDA_Vehiculos_Parcial

    Este repositorio contiene un proyecto de C realizado en Code::Blocks el cual es una consigna del segundo exámen parcial (Tema 1) correspondiente a la materia Programación de Computadoras en la Universidad Nacional de Lanús.

  • Liri-Be/Trivadog

    Hostels management - add hostels, rooms, find empty rooms and etc. - Project for university (C)

  • mdallen5393/Pointers_Live_Coding

    Contains content used and/or created during Matthew Allen's Live Coding Session over Pointers in C programming.

  • phillycodes/PointersAndACalculator

    This version of my calculator program uses pointers. I used point by reference and point by value.

  • rafaelfigueredog/LinkedListInC

    This is an implementation of a singly linked list in C. A linked list is a linear data structure where elements are stored in a sequence, but each element is linked to the next element using a pointer.

  • saliba196/UNIFESP_Algorithms_DS

    Algorithms and Data Structures (I & II) codes

  • Santosh2611/Computer-Programming

    Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course of Computer Programming (19CCE102).

  • Someone06/DFS-with-Pointer-Reversal

    A DFS that stores its stack inside the nodes of the traversed graph.

  • sundayirvine-code/reverse_stack

    Reverse a stack using two temporary stacks employing pass by reference of pointers. i.e, using a double pointer.

  • X3Gamma/C-VAMPs

    A guide to C V.A.M.P.s

  • zolppy/health-queue

    Lista de hospitais com filas de pacientes. Projeto de Estrutura de Dados.
