
There are 11 repositories under pois topic.

  • GIScience/openrouteservice-r

    :globe_with_meridians: query openrouteservice API from R

  • dmsza/json2kml

    Python scripts to export Google Maps saved/starred places to KML, CSV, Sygic

  • Dhi13man/open_route_service

    An encapsulation made around openrouteservice API for Dart and Flutter projects. Made for easy generation of Routes and Directions on Maps, Isochrones, Time-Distance Matrix, Pelias Geocoding, POIs, Elevation and routing Optimizations using their amazing API.

  • humitos/osm-pois

    Show POIs from OSM in a map using OverpassAPI

  • gustavofreze/points-of-interest

    Implementação do desafio "Pontos de Interesse por GPS", do repositório backend-br.

  • andrea-ballatore/google-places-api-r

    Google Places API in R: This R script takes geospatial geometries as input and retrieves all Google Places Points of Interest (POIs) in the area, generating as many as sub-queries as needed. This script was developed for non-profit academic research in geographic data science.

  • amauryval/OsmGT

    Python library to extract roads network on Open Street Map (and POIs) in order to create a graph with graph-tools and/or computing shortest paths and isochrones

  • mikhailsirenko/polygons-hexgrid

    Visualizing OSM POIs by polygons and on a hexagonal grid

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4002
  • Abhimanyu121/WhatsOpening

    FOAM meets Matic.

  • tokawah/Location-based-Social-Networks

    This repository contains code that can facilitate the construction of location-based social networks.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • mariosp/Tourist-App-Android

    Pois finder - Android project + firebase
