
There are 24 repositories under poisoning-attacks topic.

  • AIJack


    Security and Privacy Risk Simulator for Machine Learning (arXiv:2312.17667)

  • unica-mlsec/mlsec

    PhD/MSc course on Machine Learning Security (Univ. Cagliari)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20211023
  • pralab/secml

    A Python library for Secure and Explainable Machine Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook16051725
  • reds-lab/Narcissus

    The official implementation of the CCS'23 paper, Narcissus clean-label backdoor attack -- only takes THREE images to poison a face recognition dataset in a clean-label way and achieves a 99.89% attack success rate.

  • GillHuang-Xtler/flPapers

    Paper collection of federated learning. Conferences and Journals Collection for Federated Learning from 2019 to 2021, Accepted Papers, Hot topics and good research groups. Paper summary

  • tamlhp/awesome-recsys-poisoning

    A Survey of Poisoning Attacks and Defenses in Recommender Systems

  • Daftstone/TrialAttack

    Tensorflow implementation of TrialAttack (Triple Adversarial Learning for Influence based Poisoning Attack in Recommender Systems. KDD 2021)

  • jiep/adversarial-machine-learning

    Taller de Adversarial Machine Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10320
  • Daftstone/APT

    Tensorflow implementation of APT (Fight Fire with Fire: Towards Robust Recommender Systems via Adversarial Poisoning Training. SIGIR 2021)

  • FedAnil


    FedAnil is a secure blockchain-enabled Federated Deep Learning Model to address non-IID data and privacy concerns. This repo hosts a simulation for FedAnil written in Python.

  • xaviermonin/ControlTower

    Hack tool for local network: Man in the middle, hosts scan, ARP poisoning, Router and DNS Poisoning

  • rezafotohi/FedAnilPlus

    FedAnil+ is a novel lightweight, and secure Federated Deep Learning Model to address non-IID data, privacy concerns, and communication overhead. This repo hosts a simulation for FedAnil+ written in Python.

  • rezafotohi/FedAnilPlusPlus

    FedAnil++ is a Privacy-Preserving and Communication-Efficient Federated Deep Learning Model to address non-IID data, privacy concerns, and communication overhead. This repo hosts a simulation for FedAnil++ written in Python.

  • zjfheart/Poison-adv-training

    Poisoning attack methods against adversarial training algorithms

  • junwu6/I2Attack

    Indirect Invisible Poisoning Attacks on Domain Adaptation

  • dahmansphi/attackai

    Test tool to simulate two types of poisoning attack on AI model

  • dahmansphi/protectai

    Test tool to simulate defense from poisoning attack on AI model

  • theaqueen21/CI-CD-Pipeline-Poisoning

    Continuous Integration And Continuous Delivery Poisoning Guides

  • USTCLLM/TrialAttack

    Tensorflow implementation of TrialAttack (Triple Adversarial Learning for Influence based Poisoning Attack in Recommender Systems. KDD 2021)

  • awesome-recsys-poisoning/awesome-recsys-poisoning.github.io

    Official Website of https://github.com/tamlhp/awesome-recsys-poisoning

  • GadigeSrinivas/Identification-of-poisonous-and-non-poisonous-plants

    This project uses Python and machine learning to classify plant species as poisonous or non-poisonous. It aims to provide an efficient way to identify safe and harmful plants, useful for botanists, hikers, and the agricultural sector.

  • SESARLab/ensemble-random-forest-robustness-against-poisoning

    M. Anisetti, C. A. Ardagna, A. Balestrucci, N. Bena, E. Damiani, C. Y. Yeun. "On the Robustness of Random Forest Against Data Poisoning: An Ensemble-Based Approach". In IEEE TSUSC, vol. 8 no. 4


    Tensorflow implementation of TrialAttack (Triple Adversarial Learning for Influence based Poisoning Attack in Recommender Systems. KDD 2021)
