
There are 29 repositories under pollution-prediction topic.

  • HSG-AIML/IndustrialSmokePlumeDetection

    Code Repository for: "Characterization of Industrial Smoke Plumes from Remote Sensing Data", presented at Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning workshop at NeurIPS 2020.

  • fazeVaib/Zephyr

    Zephyr is a platform which provides users with the predicted Air Quality Index levels of air pollution for 39 cities of India with daily, monthly and yearly trends. It also provides some of the statistics observed for AQI over these cities and various latest articles and blogs related to air pollution.

  • vkasojhaa/Pollution-Prediction-Tensorflow

    Used Tensorflow Object Detection API to detect different vehicles in a picture and predict pollution levels.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8104
  • jakubowiczish/AirPollution

    Command-line application providing some information about air quality in Poland. Tested using Mockito and JUnit

  • BDouchet/Forecasting-Air-Pollutant-Concentration-in-Lille

    Research Paper on the prediction of pollutants concentration in Lille using Machine Learning Methods

  • air_pollution


    Build an iOS Application to Predict Air Pollution Using a Random Forest Regressor

  • Simularia/simulariatools

    Tools 🧰 to preprocess and post process data for air quality assessment.

  • Ecocovoit_android_app


    Creation of an ecological carpooling app with the possibility of doing stopovers

  • amilovanovikj/DataMiningProject

    Time series prediction models, exploratory data analysis and clustering on air pollution data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21
  • neemiasbsilva/lstm-pollution-china

    Using long short term memory networks to analysis the pollution of Beijing, China.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2301
  • shrey-gupta/PM25_transfer_learning

    Prediction of PM 2.5 using transfer learning approaches.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook22
  • NageNalock/No-Haze


  • parinithshekar/pollution-core

    Python tool to sense, predict and push pollution data to Firebase Realtime Database

  • PranavAmarnath/U.S.Pollution

    A Python notebook that aims to analyze the change in air quality index (AQI) for 4 major pollutants (Nitrogen Dioxide, Sulphur Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide, Ozone) that cover all 50 states of the United States from 2000 to 2016.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • siddharthd0/Aeolus

    Aeolus: Air Pollution Assistant

  • vedantaher2003/-Air-Quality-Index-levels-predicted-PBL

    a platform which provides users with the predicted Air Quality Index levels of air pollution for 39 cities of India with daily, monthly and yearly trends. It also provides some of the statistics observed for AQI over these cities and various latest articles and blogs related to air pollution.

  • altruistcoder/Zephyr

    Zephyr is a platform which provides users with the predicted AQI levels of air pollution for 39 cities of India with daily, monthly and yearly trends. It also provides some of the statistics observed for AQI over these cities and various latest articles and blogs related to air pollution.

  • Geosmartncku/SCMPM

    SCMPM: An open source and efficient calibration and mapping approach based on real-time spatial model that calibrates measurements from low-cost sensor in an environment with high relative humidity. The model provides spatial calibration of low cost PM2.5 sensors

  • Mazcho/Model-Boosting-untuk-memprediksi-kualitas-udara-di-indonesia

    Halo! Selamat datang di Repository ku. Dalam Repository ini kamu akan melihat hasil eksperiment ku membandingkan 5 model boosting untuk memprediksi kualitas udara yang ada di jakarta.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • taredalen/air-pollution-prediction

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • CAbc-QUAL


    This is the repository that contains CAbc-QUAL, model for hydrological and load modelling.

  • bngesp/data_assimilation_ML

    Data Assimilation with ML/DL methods

  • Ishan-Kotian/CO2-Emission-Regression-Techniques

    If you liked my analysis, pls upvote my notebook!

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • KamilKasz/Calpuff-date-change

    Python script that allows to modify dates of input files of modules of CALMET/CALPUFF model

  • rakibhhridoy/OnGoingStudy

    Ongoing research on several projects..

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • renzdxtr/CSST104

    This repository is made by RENZ DEXTER M. PERCI for the subject CSST 104, ADVANCE MACHINE LEARNING

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • syedissambukhari/IoT_based_Pollution_Detecting_system

    IoT based Pollution Detecting system using Arduino and android native application

  • tushar2704/Pollution-Prediction

    This project aims to develop machine learning models to forecast PM2.5 levels in the Jeongnim-Dong area from 2018 to 2022.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • valdiman/PCBWaterProjectV03

    R codes developed for PCB water concentrations in USA. Codes describe how to create maps and figures, as well as all the statistical analyses. All data are available and download from Pangaea. This is part of Project 4 of the ISRP (https://iowasuperfund.uiowa.edu
