
There are 9 repositories under pore-network topic.



    Library for performing multiphase simulations (based on the Shan-Chen model) in complicated geometries (i.e. porous media 3D images)

  • ImperialCollegeLondon/pnextract

    Pore network extraction from micro-CT images of porous media

  • dumux


    DuMux: an open-source simulator for flow and transport processes in porous media (repository mirrored from https://git.iws.uni-stuttgart.de/dumux-repositories/dumux.git)

  • khazali/Starfish

    Starfish: An open source pore network modeling software

  • PorousMedia/stochastic_pore_microstructural_generator

    This code creates CSV files for pore bodies and pore throats of stochastically generated 3D pore microsturtures. The files are intended to make 3D images/ surface files and run simulations in STAR-CCM+.

  • PorousMedia/star_ccm_flow_simulator

    This STAR CCM+ java code takes in two csv files (pore bodies and pore throats), use them to generate pore microstructures, and simulate fluid flow through it. The output of this script is a csv file of flow properties through a set number of iterations.

  • PorousMedia/micp_to_eptr

    The notebook shows the principle behind the minimum incremental pore volume (MIPV) and estimating the effective pore-throat radius (EPTR) as outlined in steps in the paper above.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • PorousMedia/xray_to_pore_size_distribution

    The notebook demonstrates the workflow for obtaining pore size distribution from binarized micro-CT images. The general principle involves identifying each pore, estimating the volume of each pore, and ultimately determining the radius of a sphere with an equivalent volume of each pore.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • sidianchen/sidianchen.github.io

    Sidian's webpage
