
There are 14 repositories under postmapping topic.

  • castanedaLuis/API---JAVA

    APIs para una market en spring, la cual incluye el CRUD para operear los datos de productos, categorias y compras.Creando su documentación con swagger y implementando JWT con spring Security para darle seguridad a nuetsros servicio.

  • MartinvonBerg/wp_post_map_view_simple

    This plugin displays all WordPress posts or pages containing GPX data (lat, lon) stored in custom fields on an OpenStreetMap. Posts are categorized using tags, allowing filtering and custom icons. Additionally, a table with all posts is displayed. Alternatively a descriptive JSON-File in a seperate folder may be used.

  • TusharMalakar/JavaSpringBootMicroServices-API

    It is an simple JAVA API design using Spring Boot, Tomcat and "Json Web Token (Jwt)" based authentication. I used Amazon Web Service (AWS) and Mongodb to store my data. I implemented different types of Mapping eg. @GetMapping, @PostMapping, @PutMapping and @DeleteMapping

  • ashokravina/Cricket-Team-3

    This project has Restful API's that allows us to manage to cricket data in the database using sprint boot JPA and Hibernate. By performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the cricket data

  • khandelia7/SpringMVCBoot_Learning3

    Guided By: Telusko [2.4 Spring MVC & Boot]

  • mmalinova/BasicWebProject_Phonebook

    This is a basic web project that can be upgraded to work as well as possible.

  • shivamkasaudhan/AWS-EC2-Backup-Automation

    This project automates daily backups of a specified directory using a shell script and rsync, with logging for both success and failure outcomes, and integrates email notifications for backup status.

  • ashokravina/Cricket-Team

    Cricket Team is build By Using RestController, GetMapping, PostMapping, PutMapping, DeleteMapping, Override, PathVariable and RequestBody

  • ashokravina/Goodreads-By-Using-ORM-JPA-Method

    Goodreads We build by using Object Relational Mapping(ORM) in the Java Persistence API (JPA)

  • ashokravina/Music-Library

    Music Library is build By Using Spring Boot in java fundamentals are RestController, GetMapping, PostMapping, PutMapping, DeleteMapping, Override, PathVariable and RequestBody

  • ashokravina/Music-Library-3

    This project has Restful API's that allows us to manage to Music Library data in the database using sprint boot JPA and Hibernate. By performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the Music Library data

  • aytekinkaplan/Spring_Boot_Updating

    This Spring Boot application provides a web interface for managing student grades. Users can create new grades, update existing grades, and view a list of all submitted grades.

  • iammahesh123/spring-annotations-demo

    This project serves as a demonstration of various annotations used in the Spring Framework.

  • pranjalisingh1201/SpringMVCwithSpringBoot

    Spring Boot MVC implementations.
