There are 54 repositories under power-systems-analysis topic.
PyPSA: Python for Power System Analysis
Reliability Test System - Grid Modernization Lab Consortium
A library of power system component models written in the Modelica language that can be used for power system dynamic analysis, such as phasor time-domain simulations.
This repository contains Dynaωo's simulation tool code.
Resources for the Energy System Modelling course by Tom Brown at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2020).
HELMpy, open source package of power flow solvers, including the Holomorphic Embedding Load Flow Method (HELM), developed on Python 3
HiPAS GridLAB-D is the California Energy Commission (CEC) version of GridLAB-D.
Class material for EST603 Energy Systems Analysis 2022 Fall
An ECS-based power system steady-state power flow calculation software written in rust.
Induction motor parameter estimation tool
Open model and data for SWITCH-China
Time-series-based methods to assess power system (static and dynamic) stability margins.
A Unified Generic C# library for Geometric Algebra computations using any kind of scalars (floating point, symbolic, etc.)
Overhead line constants calculation library
Security-Constrained Unit Commitment Programming Project
Web application for the simulation of day-ahead energy markets
Topological Data Analysis for Power System Contingencies
Solver for Power Flow Problem :zap:
This project will present an applied and game-like approach to simulating the load growth, investment decisions by two types of generation technologies, demand-price responsiveness, and reliability, of a test-case power system. The simulation begins as a 9-bus system with existing generation (3 generators) and transmission lines (8 lines). System topology can be viewed in a figure throughout the game with the yearly generation and load at each bus. In addition, dynamic color-coding is used to highlight transmission lines that exceed MVA ratings and highlight bus voltages that violate any limits. The winning objective of the player company (you) is to maximize his profit. Reliability can be tracked by viewing the N-1 generator and line contingencies every year, but this does not influence profits. There are two generation technologies used: coal and gas turbine. Each technology will have a similar competitor in the simulation. The competitor can bring down the market price and reduce the player’s profits significantly. The clock starts at T=0 in the investment game with a historical record of past prices and projected prices based on lack of investment. As time moves forward in yearly increments, the load, prices, investment costs, and other variables are adjusted to that of the player’s performance. The player has the opportunity to study various profitable and unprofitable investment alternatives each year of the simulation. If he invests at the right location, and in the right planning year, his company can make windfall profits. Competitors randomly participate in adding extra generation in random areas of the system based on the competition level settings. The challenge for the user is to study the effects of his investment decisions on market prices, reliability, and his profitability.
The project required the computation of the Line Outage Distribution Factors (LODF) based on a user given branch outage number using the fast-decoupled XB version. The LODF values were used to approximate the post-contingency branch flows based on a pre-contingency branch flow and the base branch flow before the contingency. The AC power flows were compared with the DC method for the MW and MVA flows. Source code is provided in the same WinZip file for the functions calculating the LODF values and the approximated post-contingency branch flows.
PowNet-Laos: Network-constrained Unit Commitment / Economic Dispatch model for the Laotian power system (with sample data)
The project required the computation of the generation shift factors (GSF) based on a defined generator bus outage using the fast-decoupled XB version. The GSF values were used to approximate the post-contingency branch flows based on a pre-contingency branch flow and the generator output before the contingency. The AC power flows were compared with the DC method for the MW and MVA flows. Source code is provided in the same WinZip file for the functions calculating the generation shift factors and the approximated post-contingency branch flows.
Collection of functions for calculating faults and line impedances for power systems in python 3.9
Toolbox for power system analysis
Gurobi Optimizerを用いた発電機起動停止計画最適化を実施するためのPythonパッケージ
Hands-on Project for Power System Analysis II (UTK ECE 522)
Power System Dynamic State Estimation Based on Heterogeneous Computing Acceleration
This program is developed to analyze the performance of power systems based on the characteristics of transmission line. It has been done for the course "Power System Analysis" during the academic year 2019-2020 at Shiraz University
The ENTSO-E Data Analysis Tool is an interactive web application designed to streamline the analysis of the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) power system data. This tool is crafted to facilitate a seamless operation in handling, visualising, and analysing electricity market and grid data across Europe.
Fault analysis and stability studies.
A Modelica VSC-HVDC Average Value Model Implementation - Modelica models presented in a paper of the 12th International Modelica Conference.
Single-node dispatch and investment model for the power sector
SISO Impedance-Based Stability Analysis for System-Level Small-Signal Stability Assessment of Large-Scale Power Electronics-Dominated Power Systems.
Stanford/SLAC development version of GridLAB-D
⚡Here are some of my projects I worked on during my 4-year undergrad in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and some other leisure projects.