
There are 47 repositories under precipitation-data topic.

  • loicduffar/ERA5-tools

    Notebooks Python to download and view ERA5 climatologic data, as well as to extract time series (hourly to monthly data on many atmospheric and land-surface parameters)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook533014
  • ropensci/chirps

    API Client for CHIRPS

  • imohamme/NASAaccess

    NASAaccess is R package that can generate gridded ascii tables of climate (CIMP5) and weather data (GPM, TRMM, GLDAS) needed to drive various hydrological models (e.g., SWAT, VIC, RHESSys, ..etc). The package assumes that users have already set up a registration account(s) with Earthdata login as well as authorizing NASA GESDISC data access. Please refer to for further details. The package relies on 'curl' ( commands and library to access and download data from NASA remote sensing servers. Since Mac users have curl as part of macOS, Windows users should make sure that their local machines have 'curl' installed properly. Creating the ".netrc" file at the user machine 'Home' directory and storing the user NASA GESDISC logging information in it is needed to execute the package commands. Instructions on creating the ".netrc" and ".urs_cookies" files can be accessed at

  • snotelr


    a snow data network (SNOTEL) R package

  • lapig-ufg/PPTs

    Precipitation Processing Tools (PPTs) it's an open source code developed by Vinícius Vieira Mesquita to download and process satellite precipitation data from NASA Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM)

  • montimaj/HydroSAR

    Groundwater pumping estimation in Arizona using remote sensing datasets and machine learning

  • Geosyntec/cloudside

    🌧 Simple weather data visualization and downloads

  • loicduffar/WorldClim-Climate-Change-Data-Analysis

    Historical & future climatologies (1970-2100) - Time series extraction and maps plotting

    Language:Jupyter Notebook8102
  • pySTEPS/pysteps-data

    pysteps example data

  • samashti/chrs-persiann-util

    A utility to search, download global level PERSIANN precipitation data from CHRS Data Portal

  • pinkychow1010/Downloading-CMIP-Data-using-Python

    This repo illustrates how public users can use cdsapi Python API to download climate model data and do some first analysis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook6100
  • loicduffar/

    Notebooks python pour l'exploitation des données Météo-France en ligne sur

  • loicduffar/SM2RAIN-Tools

    Python code for reading SM2RAIN dataset (global daily precipitations between 2007 and 2019) . Extraction of time serie for N points

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4102
  • loicduffar/Homegeneity-test-for-hydrologic-time-series

    Buishand and Double Mass tests for hydrologic Time serie homogeneity

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3102
  • YiwenMei/Rain_Processors

    This repository contains Matlab codes I made to process different satellite precipitation products.

  • catdance124/weather_dash_app


  • loicduffar/GHCN-Tools

    Exploration and extraction of daily GHCN climatological data (Global Historical Climatologic Network)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • monocongo/ingest_nclimgrid

    Ingest code to convert nClimGrid ASCII datsets into NetCDF

  • palubad/Precipitation_GEE

    Precipitation dataset comparison in GEE. Supplementary material (code and data) for the article submitted for IGARSS 2024, entitled Evaluation of precipitation datasets available in Google Earth Engine on a daily basis for Czechia.

  • VickyWip/Spatial-Interpolation

    Spatial Interpolation and Precipitation Data Analysis of Sydney, Australia using R, (period examined 1990-2010).

  • zenklinov/nasapower

    Getting Data NASA POWER, such as Precipitation in Regional by Single Point approach. Example Precipitation / Rainfall Data in East Java 2018-2022

  • AbbasElHachem/qcpcp

    Space-Time Statistical Quality Control of Extreme Precipitation Observation

  • bijoychandraAU/Temporal-disaggregation-of-precipitation

    R code for generating the projected 15-min precipitation.

  • binod-bhandary/rainfallprecipitation

    rainfall precipitation in python

  • emran-hsb/gpm_visualizer

    Visualizing and analyzing the precipitation data downloaded from NASA GPM data files.

  • EURAC-Ecohydro/SnowSeasonAnalysis

    The R package SnowSeasonAnalysis contains some tools for the quality check of precipitation data and for snow analysis.

  • Jbrich95/scePrecip

    Fitting spatial conditional models for extreme precipitation

  • loicduffar/Isohyet-Map

    Notebook to create a isohyet map (isovalues) from precipitation data at several raingauges

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1111
  • loicduffar/Radar-Rainfall-Tools

    Tools for processing radar hourly rainfall datasets

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • loicduffar/standard_precip

    Python implementation for calculating the Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) and Standard Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI)

  • mdbinger/surfs_up

    Assessed the viability of opening up a joint, ice cream and surf equipment shop in Hawaii based on Hawaii’s aggregate temperature and precipitation data using Python and SQLite.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • sajagjain/PrecipitationDataParseFromBz2ToCSV

    This is a description to convert precipitation data compressed binary files using CDO and then jupyter notebook to Convert it to CSV

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1101
  • tstenner1/Climate-Analysis-SQLalchemy

    Use Python and SQLAlchemy to do basic climate analysis and data exploration of your climate database. All of the following analysis should be completed using SQLAlchemy ORM queries, Pandas, and Matplotlib. Upon completing your initial analysis, design a Flask API based on the queries that you have just developed.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • UW-SASWE/UW_CEWA-566_Google-Earth-Engine-Tutorials

    This repository contains tutorials to begin with Google Earth Engine using Python API. The tutorials were developed for course CEWA - 566 (Satellite Remote Sensing for Water Resources) and therefore focuses more on hydrology aspect.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • aryaanakhan/central_park_precipitation

    This R project conducts statistical analysis & produces scatterplots / visuals based on monthly + annual Central Park precipitation data from 1860 to 2022.

  • ebadatibnbabar/Rainfall-Forecasting-ARIMA

    Application of the ARIMA model to forecast rainfall patterns. Leveraging time-series analysis techniques, it predicts future rainfall levels by analyzing historical data specifically from Bahawalnagar District, Punjab, Pakistan.
