
There are 131 repositories under preprocessing-data topic.

  • hyperimpute


    A framework for prototyping and benchmarking imputation methods

  • Unstructured-IO/community

    Open source libraries and APIs to build custom preprocessing pipelines for labeling, training, or production machine learning pipelines.

  • ELHoussineT/AutoDataCleaner

    Simple and automatic data cleaning in one line of code! It performs one-hot encoding, date & time casting to datetime dtype, detects binary columns, safely convert non-numeric columns to numeric dtypes, cleaning dirty/empty values, normalizing values and removing unwanted columns all in one line of code. Get your data ready for model training and fitting quickly.

  • NLPiper


    NLPiper is a package that agglomerates different NLP tools and applies their transformations in the target document.

  • weiglszonja/meeg-tools

    EEG/MEG data preprocessing and analyses framework

    Language:Jupyter Notebook13234
  • data-analyst-praktikum/Projects

    Jupyter Notebook Praktikum Projects. This is repository with data analyst educational projects from Yandex.Praktikum.

  • imyjk729/Memristor

    In-sensor reservoir computing for language learning via two-dimensional memristors

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10102
  • cecivieira/cotas-genero-eleicoes-e-proposicoes-legislativas

    Análise de dados sobre cotas de gênero e seu impacto nas eleições e proposições legislativas da Câmara dos Deputados Federais entre 1934 e 2021. Parte do TCC da pós-graduação em Inteligência Artificial e Aprendizado de Máquina na @pucminas

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9400
  • UniFeat/unifeat

    An open-source tool for performing feature selection process in different areas of research

  • tuanio/backend-recommender-system-book

    Flask REST API for Recommender System Book App on Android

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7211
  • bharadwaj-chukkala/Data-driven-motion-planning-using-various-machine-learning-algorithms

    ENPM808A: Introduction to Machine Learning Final Project

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4101
  • Navaneeth-Sharma/Speech_Recognition_of_Digits

    This project of recognizing digit and converting it to text uses Signal processing techniques such as MFCC and other Advanced Signal Processing techniques for the preprocessing of the data. Then the Preprocessed data is used by the Neural Network algorithms to learn the pattern or structure of the sound.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4100
  • drleniaw/Analysis_Sentiment_Twitter_Free_Sex_In_Indonesian

    Analysis Sentiment on Twitter Free Sex In Indonesia

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • fezzibasma/Speed-Dating-Experiment

    What attributes influence the selection of a romantic partner?

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3200
  • kkmk11/BLIGHT-VISION

    This is a ML based Web App that aims to detect the presence of late blight or early blight on potato leaves, which are the primary causes of crop damage. Additionally, the system recommends appropriate precautions and pesticides to help farmers eliminate the blight and protect their crops and increasing their yields.

  • Hollywood-Movies-Visualizations-and-Recommender-System


    In this project, I do some analysis, visualizations, and then create movie recommender system on imdb data. I do that because I want to know more about movies, especially Hollywood movies. Therefore, I do analysis and visualization on imdb data which is contain informations about movies, e.g. who is produced, when the movies release, rating movies, budget and income, etc. After that, I create movie recommender system, which is the system will recommend top 10 similar movies based on the movie that has been input by the user.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3100
  • Shakilgithub20/News-Classification

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3102
  • alvaro-concha/animal-behavior-preprocessing

    animal-behavior-preprocessing is a Python repository to preprocess animal behavior data. It works on the output spreadsheets from video-tracking of animal body parts with LEAP or DeepLabCut. It applies a Median Filter, an Ensemble Kalman Filter, transforms data to joint angles and computes their Morlet Wavelet Spectra.

  • CCaribe9/AdaptStdEPF

    Code and experiments related to the paper: 'An adaptive standardisation model for Day-Ahead electricity price forecasting'

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • functorism/snapcrop

    CLI for crop/resize of large amounts of images with configurable resolutions

  • XuanyiJennyMa/pupil_cloud_data_preprocessing_Phase_1

    Scripts for pre-processing eye-tracker data from pupil cloud

  • AmestOsipyan/Portfolio_Data-Analytics

    This repository is containing a portfolio of data analyst projects that I have completed and showcases my skills and experience

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • ArthurMangussi/pymdatagen

    A Python Library for the Generation of Artificial Missing Data

  • azevedontc/dataPreprocessing

    Introduction to KDD and data preprocessing / Introdução ao KDD e pré-processamento de dados

  • bilaloumehdi/TP_NLP

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • BirchKwok/spinesUtils

    spinesUtils is a user-friendly toolkit for the machine learning ecosystem

  • DavidRichardson02/CSV_Data_Set_Analysis

    The program processes CSV files to capture and format file contents, generate custom directories of files, extract data, perform analysis, and generate MATLAB script(s) for visualization and further analysis.

  • emkr-13/model_ta

    Model buat TA Sentimen and Topik Berita Indonesia

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • JAdelhelm/Automated-Anomaly-Detection-Preprocessing-Pipeline

    This automated anomaly detection preprocessing pipeline can be used to automatically preprocess tabular data for anomaly detection methods.

  • karimelmolla/fakenews-detection

    "Factual Eye" is a Fake News Detection mobile application developed as our graduation project. Utilizing machine learning and deep learning models, our project aims to combat misinformation effectively.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110
  • LuisFelipePoma/Machine_Learning

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • r-a-j/Social-Scope

    "SocialScope harnesses the power of data science to Instagram's vast content, providing insightful analytics and trend predictions for informed decision-making."

  • Rubenmarbez/Proyecto-HomeFinder

    Con HomeFinder se busca crear una herramienta que permita a sus usuarios encontrar las mejores ofertas que se adapten a sus necesidades y preferencias, a través del análisis de datos de venta de inmuebles de segunda mano en Madrid.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110

    Práctica de clasificación con Machine Learning en el dataset del Titanic, abordando exploración de datos, preprocesamiento, selección de métricas y modelos, con el objetivo de analizar detalladamente los resultados obtenidos.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100