
There are 4 repositories under project-code topic.

  • adrianhajdin/project_youtube_video_player

    This is a code repository for the corresponding article on freeCodeCamp. In this tutorial we are going to build a YouTube Clone Application from Scratch using React. Covered topics: lifecycle methods, project structure, destructuring, state management, passing props from parent to child components, API calls.

  • adrianhajdin/project_hot_or_cold_game

    This is a game where the user guesses a random number in the interval 1-100 set by the computer, and gets feedback in the form of the following words; cold, warm, hot, extremely hot. The purpose is to guess the number in as little attempts as possible. The user can track his progress because previous attempts are available.

  • ashishsingh28/UDACITY-Data-Analyst-Nanodegree

    Use Python, SQL, and statistics to uncover insights, communicate critical findings, and create data-driven solutions.

  • qbicsoftware/dropboxreporter

    Reports stuff that has happened on a particular day, based on the logs.
