
There are 21 repositories under promptengineering topic.

  • promptslab/Awesome-Prompt-Engineering

    This repository contains a hand-curated resources for Prompt Engineering with a focus on Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), ChatGPT, PaLM etc

  • YiVal/YiVal

    Your Automatic Prompt Engineering Assistant for GenAI Applications

  • gpt-runner


    Conversations with your files! Manage and run your AI presets!

  • EmbraceAGI/AIGC_Interview

    📚 AIGC 求职面经、必备基础知识、提示词工程、ChatGPT、Stable Diffusion、Prompt、Embedding、Fintune 等 AIGC 求职你所需要知道的一切~

  • microsoft/llmops-promptflow-template

    LLMOps with Prompt Flow is a "LLMOps template and guidance" to help you build LLM-infused apps using Prompt Flow. It offers a range of features including Centralized Code Hosting, Lifecycle Management, Variant and Hyperparameter Experimentation, A/B Deployment, reporting for all runs and experiments and so on.

  • microsoft/prompty

    Prompty makes it easy to create, manage, debug, and evaluate LLM prompts for your AI applications. Prompty is an asset class and format for LLM prompts designed to enhance observability, understandability, and portability for developers.

  • promptable/Promptable-web-sdk

    Web SDK for Promptable Website.

  • lim-hyo-jeong/Prompt-Enhancer

    Prompt Engineering at Your Fingertips!

  • ChatTeach/AutoGPT-Prompt

    One Prompt that can Turned ChatGPT into AutoGPT.

  • siempay/BlueWillowPromptsList

    A reference containing Styles and Keywords that you can use with Stable diffusion BlueWillow AI. There are also pages showing resolution comparison, image weights, and much more!

  • promptengineers-ai/embed

    🤖 Open-source Embeddable React Chat AI Component

  • niks290192/prompt_engineering_for_devs

    Prompt engineering is the process of designing and refining input queries to gen AI models, like OpenAI's GPT variants, for achieving desired output. It involves optimizing the phrasing, context, and structure of prompts to improve the AI's understanding while maintaining high-quality & creative results that cater to specific app requirements.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Zeeshanahmad4/WebTalkBot-Web-based-GPT-4-Chatbot

    WebTalkBot: Dive into dynamic conversations with a web-based chatbot powered by GPT-4, enhanced with web crawling for precise, data-driven responses.

  • NikhilSaiEppa/AI_Chat_Bot

    The AI Chat Bot project integrates OpenAI's LangChain Agent with RAG technology, offering a user-friendly interface via Streamlit for seamless communication. It serves diverse functions such as customer service and information retrieval, remaining at the forefront of conversational AI through continuous refinement.

  • promptengineers-ai/plugin

    🤖 Open-source Sample Plugin API

  • Hadar-Sug/Data-Collection-Lab-Career-Compass

    Semester 7 data collection lab - Career Compass: LinkedIn's Qualification Predictor & Tailored Strategic Growth Insights

    Language:Jupyter Notebook11
  • kwonionsoup/TedTalk-Popularity-Prediction

    applied advanced machine learning techniques to predict the popularity of TED Talk

    Language:Jupyter Notebook
  • luthfianesa/Prompt-Engineering

    A Prompt Engineering Course by Scrimba

  • mpuig/prompted-art-api-client

    API REST client to send your generated art to

  • shashankatthaluri/learnings-repository

    "Explore my personal learning repository, organized by topics, featuring informative READMEs, code snippets, and valuable resources for continuous learning and growth."