
There are 5 repositories under psuedo-random topic.

  • fortuna

    Fortuna is a PRNG; it generates cryptographically secure pseudorandom numbers on a computer. It can also be used as a real random number generator, accepting random inputs from analog random sources. Designed by Niels Ferguson and Bruce Schneier.

  • middle-square

    The middle-square method is a method of generating pseudo random numbers.

  • SpecklePatternGeneration

    Some code to generate a pseudorandom block of dots which can be exported as an SVG and used to create a stamp for applying the pattern to specimen to be used with DIC.

  • InfiniteMonkeySimulator

    Simulate an immortal monkey typing on a typewriter.

  • AudioSignalProcessing

    Another branched project. The labeler is more focuesed on the recording of the PCM while this project is more focused on the processing of the PCM: Fourier transform, random sampling with pseudo-random distribution, interpolating with psuedo-random distribution, truncating and elongating PCM data
