
There are 19 repositories under puli-portfolio topic.

  • pulipulichen/jieba-js

    An experimental webpage for observing Chinese natural language processing. It demonstrates the processes of decomposition, transformation, deletion, and model building. Written in JavaScript, it can be executed in any browser.

  • pulipulichen/HTML5-Speech-to-Text

    This is an online speech recognition tool implemented entirely in pure JavaScript. It utilizes the browser's built-in Web Speech API to convert audio captured by the microphone into text and combines it with time segments to create subtitles.

  • pulipulichen/HTML-Lag-Sequential-Analysis

    A calculator for lag sequential analysis.

  • pulipulichen/ocs

    An open-source conference management system with features for conference registration, paper submission, and review processes.

  • pulipulichen/dspace-dlll

    A digital archive system modified from DSpace 1.5.0. It features many customized metadata forms and enhanced web browsing functionalities.

  • pulipulichen/zentyal-dlll

    Based on the Zentyal router operating system, the web management interface has been modified to focus on DNS, DHCP, NAT, Reverse Proxy, and knowledge management functions.

  • pulipulichen/docker-HTTPS-Reverse-Proxy

    This is a Docker server configured with an Nginx reverse proxy server, which includes built-in functionality to automatically apply for certificates from Let's Encrypt, allowing it to add HTTPS protocol to backend servers.

  • pulipulichen/docker-web-Apache-Solr

    A ready-to-use full-text search engine packaged with Docker technology using Apache Solr. It allows users to customize data sources, indexing methods, and the appearance of the web interface.

  • pulipulichen/PWA-Todo-List

    A to-do list that can save files and only stores data in the browser, allowing for offline use. It is suitable for integration with other systems.

  • pulipulichen/voc4fun-client

    A mobile application featuring a flashcard learning system with a self-regulating learning mechanism. It dynamically adjusts daily goals based on the learner's progress.

  • pulipulichen/crawler-Course-Example

    A fully automated web scraping solution that includes scheduling automatic launches through GitHub Actions, using Puppeteer with Node.js to collect data, and storing the data on GitHub Pages for public access.

  • pulipulichen/docker-app-Image-Background-Remover

    A tool to remove backgrounds and transparent margins from images.

  • pulipulichen/PWA-Blog-Cover-Builder

    A tool for creating the cover of the Pulipuli Chen's blog. You can upload images, set tags, and add text descriptions, making it easy to create cover images for blogs and social media.

  • pulipulichen/PWA-Git-Conflict-Resolver

    PWA-Git-Conflict-Resolver is an progressive web application designed to resolve conflicts in Git version control. As a Progressive Web App (PWA), it allows users to seamlessly use it on any device, providing an intuitive interface to assist in resolving code merge conflicts.

  • pulipulichen/PWA-iClass-Matching-Pairs-Quiz-Builder

    Designed specifically for creating matching pair quizzes, this web tool can convert pairs of terms and definitions into randomly ordered matching questions, tailored for use in iClass (TronClass) exams and follow-up quizzes.

  • pulipulichen/PWA-Now-Loading

    A PWA application that displays a clock and custom text during a waiting period. Users can set the text content displayed during the waiting period according to their needs. This application is developed as a Progressive Web App (PWA) and can be accessed and used directly through a browser.

  • pulipulichen/PWA-Sign-in-Sheet-Generator

    This is a progressive web application that generates sign-in sheets. Users can customize the header, input list information, and specify the layout of the sign-in sheet.

  • pulipulichen/PWA-Vocabulary-Helper

    To build a list of vocabularies with phonetic symbols and translations.

  • pulipulichen/voc4fun-server

    A mobile application featuring a flashcard learning system with a self-regulating learning mechanism. It dynamically adjusts daily goals based on the learner's progress.
