There are 4 repositories under pybliometrics topic.
Open-source tool in Python for generating a list of relevant articles from Scopus on a user-defined topic
Automated system for the selection of professors and students in postgraduate processes and public examinations using academic metrics from the international database SCOPUS using the pybliometrics REST API.
Artigo produzido na discplinada de Macroeconomia 2 no Doutorado de Economia da UERJ em conjunto com a Prof.Dr. Daiane Santos.
Our main project goals include trying to achieve a way for all researchers to be able to find and contact other researchers that are working on or have worked on the same field of study as them. The project goals also include trying to ensure that the RPS database can be scraped in order to find all papers that are linked to the search field used that can then be used to find all related researchers.