
There are 5 repositories under pylsl topic.

  • pyreiz/pyliesl

    LieSL is a collection of modules to read and process labstreaminglayer streams on the fly

  • soheilbr82/BluegrassWorkingMemory

    A setup to evaluate working memory using EEG signals

  • mvidaldp/pylsl-keyboard-trigger

    Python script that sends LSL markers (aka triggers) over the local network by pressing or releasing any of the two target keyboard keys.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4204
  • Arduino_LSM9DS1_BLE_to_LSL


    Project for Master in Electromechanical Engineering at Bruface (ULB-VUB). Includes code for sending IMU data from Arduino Nano 33 BLE to Python via BLE, and then stream it to a LSL Network. STL files are included for 3D printing a box and clamp to attach to a welding gun.

  • mvidaldp/py_websockets_to_lsl

    Receive experimental data via websockets and send it using LSL (LabStreamingLayer)
