
There are 16 repositories under pyscopg2 topic.

  • mahdimoghassemi/Soroush-Telegram-Bot

    A Telegram bot designed to facilitate communication between educational institutions and families, allowing users to access transcripts and provide feedback. Built for automation and integration with school management system

  • TamaraGR/Police_Violence_Analysis

    Police Violence in the United States Analysis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3304
  • Srivatsanray/Tail-653-Flight-Data-Analysis

    The project aims to perform vibrational analysis on the Tail 653 NASA dataset, which contains sensor reading of different attributes from an aircraft's tail section during flight. The goal is to build a machine learning model for health monitoring of the aircraft based on the frequency analysis of the vibration data.

  • bismarkstoney/rentkontrol

    This app for finding apartments in ghana for a firm call datateqs

  • ChristineKarimi/Epitome

    A personal gallery application built on django.

  • joaoGabriel55/aqueducte-geo-data-py

    This micro service is responsible to import geo files (.cpg, .dbf, .prj, .sbn, .sbx, .shp, .shp.xml, .shx) to Postgres database with Postgis extension.

  • PatrickCmd/Yummy-Recipe-RestAPI

    Yummy recipes app is an application that allows users to create, save and share meeting the needs of keeping track of awesome food recipes.

  • ThiagoFBastos/Linkedin-BOT

    Bot de vagas no Linkedin para desenvolvedores. A partir de palavras-chave préviamente coletadas e de outros parâmetros para filtrragem.

  • tom-python


    Multiple Python Projects Repo Emphasizing on Python Programming for Backend Server, i.e. Flask, SqlAlchemy, psycopg-2, Alembic, etc. and testing libraries related to Python, unittest and pytest.

  • hkhairy/Sparkify-JSON-Postgres-ETL

    Data ETL, Loading JSON files into a Postgres Database, This is a Udacity project under the Data Engineer program

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • marcus-repo/etl-redshift

    ETL Pipeline extracts JSON files from AWS S3 bucket and inserts these into an AWS Redshift Cluster.

  • raghuramala54/

    A book review website where users will be able to check the reviews of books stored in the database previously if the admin wants to update the database with books he can do so as the code for insert the book details is present.

  • theburntcity/starting-aws-rds-postgres

    Starting to use AWS RDS with Postgresql s

  • demesvardestin/data-reporting-tool

    SQL project for Udacity's Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree

  • Franky1/ciclismo2

    Streamlit app forked for debugging purposes

  • gopal-jogi/E-Mart

    Open-source e-commerce platform powered by Django, React.js, PostgreSQL, and Bootstrap 5. Build a modern, responsive online store with secure transactions. Explore the codebase, contribute, and create your dream marketplace! Documentation | Contribute | License | Demo 🚀
