
There are 114 repositories under python-flask-application topic.

  • hamzaavvan/library-management-system

    A simple library management system built on python web framework flask

  • inboxpraveen/movie-recommendation-system

    Movie Recommendation System with Complete End-to-End Pipeline, Model Intregration & Web Application Hosted. It will also help you build similar projects.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1282052
  • snowch/movie-recommender-demo

    This project walks through how you can create recommendations using Apache Spark machine learning. There are a number of jupyter notebooks that you can run on IBM Data Science Experience, and there a live demo of a movie recommendation web application you can interact with. The demo also uses IBM Message Hub (kafka) to push application events to topic where they are consumed by a spark streaming job running on IBM BigInsights (hadoop).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1009356
  • EswarGitHub/GymManagementSystem

    python-flask based web-application which uses a MySQL database

  • ms3-stock-management


    Project milestone 3 for Code Institute Full-stack development program: backend development using Python-Flask and MongoDB

  • bradsec/barkwebui

    A Python Flask-based web UI designed to facilitate the generation of text-to-speech using Suno AI's Bark.

  • AhmedBhati/video-streaming-with-flask-socketio

    Live Video Streaming is done with flask-socketio with production WSGI server

  • sumairz/photo-gallery-python-flask

    A Photo Gallery built in Python/Flask

  • Hritik21/House-Price-Predictor

    In this project, I have created simple model which predict the price of the house on the basis of it's area.

  • Book_evaluator


    Flask web application with CRUD operations and authentication using Google Books API

  • edenroseFR/Web-based-SSIS

    A web-based student information system made using Flask framework and MySQL.

  • amitkumarusc/recommendation-system

    A movie recommendation system trained on the MovieLens 20 Million dataset. This system makes use of Collaborative filtering methods to come up with recommendations for a particular user.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook15103
  • abdsamadf/EaseFinance

    Stock-trading webiste

  • arvindpj007/Docker-Mutiple-Containers

    Exposing several ports unnecessarily can be a security risk, by exposing ports there will be a channel for unsecured communications and unrestricted traffic. By creating a special networks for the containers to share, the host is isolated from the multiple containers utilized.

  • NickChecan/hana-to-python

    A common Python Flask application with access to a Hana trial instance provided by SAP

  • onnx-model-flask-web-deployment


    To deploy a ONNX model as a web application with Python Flask

  • eventmanagementproj/Event-Management-Project

    Source Code for the event management project at

  • Bennyhwanggggg/2019-NASA-Space-Apps-Challenge

    Project for NASA Space Apps Challenge 2019. An interactive web app built using WebGL and Three.js with React that aims to show the impact of people's nutrient choices on the planet.

  • ALE-gorithm


    All things Beer! Beer Educator and Recommender Web App | Deployed on GCP > | UT Data Analysis and Visualization Nov 2019 - May 2020.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook83615
  • ajish-antony/packer-image-builder

    The PACKER AMI project can be defined as once the developer uploads the python application code to Github, the automation process will create a Docker image and uploads it to the Docker Hub, and further, an AMI will be created with packer having docker container provisioned with an image of python flask application from Docker Hub.

  • akhileshthite/covid19-vaccine-finder

    COVID-19 Vaccine Finder website to check the available slots for vaccination centres from coWIN API in India.

  • Smuzzies/comfyui_image_gallery

    ComfyUI Output Images Gallery is a simple web application built with Flask to display a gallery of images. It's designed to showcase a collection of images with thumbnails and provides an easy way for users to view and navigate through the gallery.

  • Sourish-Kanna/Xplore-Travels-website

    Travel Agency website made for second year mini project

  • THARUNESHWAR-369/stream-saver

    Stream Saver is a Flask-Python web app that enables users to download YouTube videos. y leveraging the Pytube library, users can search for their desired videos and effortlessly save them for offline access. Stream Saver simplifies the process of video downloading, enhancing the convenience and flexibility of online content consumption.

  • varadhancst/Cafe-website

    list of cafes

  • AAnirudh07/NLP-chatbot

    This repository contains the code for a chatbot built with Flask. The chatbot is capable of recognizing 7 broad classes of messages.

  • Flask-Python-API


    Flask-based Python API with CRUD functionality for streamlined data management.

  • NikhilCodes/MemerSala

    Social media made using python flask to share memes!

  • prithviz/expedia0scraper

    Expedia Scraper shows real time Flight results.

  • Rahulpatil512/Secure_File_Storage_Using_Hybrid_Cryptography-main

    A website that uses hybrid of four standard cryptographic ciphers to encrypt a text document. Technologies used: python flask framework with cryptography libraries.

  • ttran-tech/bom-diff

    A BOM (Bill of Materials) comparison tool using Python and Flask Framework.

  • ankurchaudhary627/FlyingBot

    ChatBot that gives you details of direct flights available from given source to destination including price, departure time,etc.

  • Hemil96/api-connectivity-in-flask

    Simple back-end code to understand API calling in Flask.

  • Rahulpatil512/Music-Recommendation-System

    An application that recommends music on the basis of previous heard songs of a user using a ML model. Using Collaborative-based filtering to recommend other songs similar to what the user likes. Download Data set from Kaggle (Million song data set)

  • shubs997/PROJECT-DOCUFY

    A Project On Document Manipulation Detection and Authenticity Verification.
