
There are 53 repositories under pythonflask topic.

  • flask-tutorial


    A complete beginner friendly Python Flask tutorial 🐍. Learn from basic template rendering to deploying in web servers.

  • CharudattaGhute/Grocery-Management-System

    Efficiently manage grocery store operations with an integrated frontend, Python backend, and MySQL database.

  • zitadel/example-fine-grained-authorization

    Leverage actions, custom metadata, and claims for attribute-based access control

  • innovatorved/python-flask

    Flask is an API of Python that allows us to build up web-applications. Flask is a good choice if you want a lightweight code base.

  • younesaitmha/market_platform_with_an_authentication-system

    building a market platform with an authentication system by using Flask Python web framework



    A responsive restaurant website framework created in HTML,CSS,JS & Python Flask

  • damanimccaskie/translator-website

    Welcome to Translator, your premier destination for language translation! Unlock the power of communication with our extensive range of over 100 languages made with Python and Flask.

  • lisenpasha/Blog-Flask-With-Authentication

    Building a RESTful Blog with Authentication.Edit and delete options only for admin. Passowrds are saved hashed and salted in db. The first registered user is admin in this case. Other users can only comment on posts. Admin can create a new post, with title,subtitle,body description,img-url ,author and time will be automatically set to today's date.

  • mrirfankhan/phishingpython

    phishing attack python use flask

  • obitorin07/Python-For-Beginners

    Welcome to the "Python for Beginners" directory! 🚀 This directory is designed for individuals who are new to Python programming and are eager to learn from scratch. Whether you are a complete beginner or have some basic programming experience, you'll find a collection of Python codes tailored to help you grasp the fundamentals

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • AfiaaAziz/Data-Hashing-Tool

    The Data Hashing Tool is a semester project for the Information Security course. It ensures secure data hashing with algorithms like MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, and SHA-512, while offering features such as a dynamic loading screen, intuitive interface, seamless navigation, and educational insights into hashing techniques.

  • Charmain-Bonareri/People-News

    People-News is a Python news application that uses news API to display news from various sources. It allows the user to select a news source and see all news articles from the selected news source in the application.

  • damanimccaskie/PassGenix-Random-Password-Generator

    PassGenix - A password generator site which allows a user to generate an optimal password based on industry standard guidelines.

  • dev-owdenmag/Eventify

    Built with Flask & MySQL, Eventify allows participants to register during events with details like name, phone, email, occupation, and company. The backend dashboard enables easy management, viewing, and printing of participant details, including neck tags.

  • JkAlcntr/ITE-306-MODULE-18-Alcantara

    Basic Python Flask tutorial


    Multiplication Table Flask Application & Message display Flask with HTML & CSS

  • sujithmanick/Quickes

    A live news website

  • Yooki-K/CloudAblum


  • aliegecubuk/blog

    Blog Page Using Python Flask

  • Bomb3077/CSCB20

    Chatting website (course project)

  • Bomb3077/receipt-organizer

    A receipt organizer (first hackathon project)

  • galax19ksh/cloud-computing-lab-BCE-C514

    contains files of lab done during cloud computing course BCE-C514 (V sem)

  • Joska99/Targil1090

    Helm chart that Deploy Static HTML page By Python Flask

  • kapilkec/TradingPlatform

    I have created a trading platform , which people can trade in stocks which are listed in NSE

  • keerthanas11/SPARKS

    A simple banking system using HTML, CSS, javascript, MYSQL and Python Flask

  • kishorekumar0814/Data-Cleaning-Web-Application

    This web application automates data cleaning, enabling users to upload CSV or XLSX files. It processes the data to manage missing values and remove duplicates, then allows users to download the cleaned dataset. Built with Flask and Pandas, it simplifies the data preparation process.

  • s-h-i-v-i-s/Bangalore-Housing-Price-Prediction

    A Machine Learning Project to predict Bangalore House Prices.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • SammXdd/Flask-Login-Page

    A simple Flask web app for user authentication. Users can create accounts, log in. User data is stored in a JSON file for easy management and persistence.

  • sudebyhn/User-Management-API-development

    User Management API development

  • yuzbas1ea/online-cari-ve-stok-takibi-programi

    Online olarak kullanabileceğiniz, kullanıcı dostu arayüzlü ve mobil olarakta kullanılabilen bir veteriner arkadaşıma yapmış olduğum Cari Takip ve Stok Takibi uygulaması. İlk versiyondur ve zamanla geliştirilecektir.

  • AsimChakraborty/House_price_prediction

    The goal of this machine learning project is to predict the selling price of a new home by applying basic machine learning (regression)concepts to the housing prices data.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • ka8540/EquiPay

    EquiPay is a mobile app for effortlessly managing and splitting bills among friends or groups. It features group expense tracking, bill settling, and receipt image uploading, making financial transactions transparent and fair.

  • adaptive-learning-platform


    Full-Stack Web Application for an AI-Powered Educational Platform

  • sanjayengineer121/To-Do-List

    What is the purpose of a to do list? The main purpose of a to do list is to provide yourself with a list of your priorities in order to ensure that you don't forget anything and are able to effectively plan out your tasks so that they are all accomplished in the correct time frame.

  • siam29/Hackthon-Flask

    This is a Flask-based web application designed to [insert project purpose, e.g., "manage tasks", "track expenses", "serve as a blog platform"].

  • SumonPaul18/easylinux

    Web Based SSH Ternimal using Phon Flask Paramiko
