
There are 4 repositories under pytorch-nn topic.

  • bat67/pytorch-examples-cn

    用例子学习PyTorch1.0(Learning PyTorch with Examples 中文翻译与学习)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook724018
  • floydhub/pytorch-nn-tutorial

    PyTorch Tutorial for Workspace: what is torch.nn really?

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1501
  • AbirDey2002/Generative-Chatbot

    Interact with a trained chatbot that uses sequence to sequence model with luong attention mechanism over jointly trained encoder-decoder modules and implementation of greedy search decoding module.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0200
  • IHappyPlant/ROIM

    Лабораторные работы по предмету "Распознавание образов и индуктивное моделлирование"