
There are 5 repositories under quantitative-linguistics topic.

  • LAL-project/linear-arrangement-library

    Official repository of the Linear Arrangement Library, a library that implements state-of-the-art algorithms related to linear arrangements of graphs.

  • gederajeg/constructional-equivalence

    Repository of supplementary materials and RStudio project for the paper on corpus-based approach to measuring constructional equivalence.

  • ankitbit/CSN-SML

    This project is a part of an attempt to explore properties of languages from the perspective of quantitative linguistics. We're examining similarities and differences among different languages across the globe using homoscedasticty and non-linear regression techniques.

  • gederajeg/diatesis-bahasa-indonesia

    Repository data dan kode pemrograman untuk bab buku berjudul "Kajian korpus kuantitatif terhadap aspek-aspek diatesis dalam bahasa Indonesia", yang menjadi bagian dari buku Tatabahasa Bahasa Indonesia Kontemporer (TBIK) berbasis korpus. Naskah utuh dapat diakses secara daring 👇.

  • gederajeg/motionverb-idn-eng

    Repository of data and R codes for the paper titled "Quantitative Distribution of English and Indonesian Motion Verbs and Its Typological Implications: A case study with the English and Indonesian versions of the Twilight novel" to appear in the Journal of Language and Literature (JOLL).
