
There are 315 repositories under r-studio topic.

  • NOAAWeather

    This package provides functions to retrieve real-time weather data from all NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) stations and plot time series, box-plot, calendar heat-map and geo-spatial maps to analyze trends.

  • weather

    Gather the latest insights in todays weather

  • projet-r

    Les bases en R et R Studio

  • rstudio-container

    Repository for creating a Docker image with RStudio and Jupyter notebook.

  • UIUC_iRisk_NN_scratch

    UIUC IRisk Lab: Neural Network from Scratch

  • hollywood-movies

    Power BI & R Fleshboard Dashboards

  • Machine-Learning_Data-Analysis_Project

    recognizing handwritten numbers & comparing the Life Expectancy vs Fertility in 1960 & 2013 of regions

  • Statistical-Modeling-data-analysis

    A series of Statistical Modelling assignments with the use of R. Applications of Linear, Polynomial, Logistic and Poisson Regression in various datasets

  • Exploratory-Data-Analysis-using-R

    Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) with the use of R programming language in the dataset Tetuan City power consumption

  • r-packages-ebook

    Working through the R Packages ebook: https://r-pkgs.org/

  • Biotech-Research-Hub

    a comprehensive repository designed to empower researchers, scientists, and enthusiasts in the fields of bioinformatics and biotechnology. This repository serves as a one-stop destination for a myriad of invaluable resources, ranging from insightful guides and cutting-edge research papers to informative podcasts, web tools, and efficient workflows

  • portfolio-classification

    NBA classification model

  • R_Data_mining

    Extract knowledge from a data using different techniques, including Association Rules Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC) K-means Clustering Decision Trees

  • R_data_exploration

    The project in which I explore archival data using different R libraries.

  • FIFA-21-Data-Cleaning-Using-R

    This file contains the full documentaion of the cleaning of the FIFA 2021 dataset uisng R programming Language

  • Tiktok

    Comparison of Machine Learning models coupled with Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) to identify the key features that determine the popularity of a TikTok video.

  • Bio-Statistics-R-Coding-On-Datasets-Analysis-and-Plotting

    Appling R coding on the medical data from a given file data.csv, which is a dataset of a patient demographic containing standard information regarding individuals from a variety of ancestral lines.

  • code-snippets

    Code snippets for data science (mostly) in Python and R.

    Language:Vim Snippet1
  • Bitcoin-Price-Analysis

    Application of regression models to estimate the weekly price of Bitcoin (BTC)

  • r-twitter

    Explore your Twitter activity with R: Sentiment Analysis and Data Visualization. How to analyze your Twitter account (or any account), discover your habits and sentiments with the "rtweet" package and NLP.

  • MU-STA333

    All of the assignments that I worked on when taking the Nonparametric Statistics course at Miami University

  • 2022-Summer-Statistical-Privacy-and-Differential-Privacy

    Mentor: Ruobin(Robin) Gong; Collaborators: Leah Ghazali, Nami Jain, Yuexin Zhang

  • capstone_bike_share

    Data Analysis of a Bike Share Company using R.

  • Predict-Emerging-Data-Scientist

    What are the odds of “success” in data science for people who use different platforms, languages, and software?

  • MechaCar_Statistical_Analysis

    Analyzing automotive production data to gather insights on production troubles for the purpose of assisting the manufacturing team.

  • analisis_con_r

    Trabajos de análisis realizados con lenguaje R

  • snapchat_correlation_analysis

    Utilizing Python and R to perform statistical analyses on real-world snapchat performance data to discover how various metrics relate to viewership

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • Sorenson-Impact-Data-Science-Workspace

    Allows quick access to multiple data science tools. Made using Docker.

  • Statistic-02323

    Statistic course 02323 taken at DTU Lyngby

  • template-git-R-studio-md

    a simple template design for R data sciences using R Studio for my personal use. Feel free to use it. The original design was from PurpleBooth

  • R-Course

    R Programlama Eğitim Dokümanları

  • Capstone_Project_DA_22

    Capstone project for Data Access 2022

  • Statistical_Analysis_Liner_Model_automotive-industry_R_T-test

    Reviewing the production data with multiple linear regression analysis, summary statistics, t-tests using R.
