
There are 29 repositories under randomnumbergenerator topic.

  • sdrapkin/SecurityDriven.Core

    Modern, fast, safe, cryptographically strong .NET replacement for Random and RandomNumberGenerator.

  • robhogan/react-native-securerandom

    A crypto-secure random bytes generator for react native

  • MuonRay/Quantum_Entanglement_Experiments_Arduino_Python

    A series of codes for conducting the quantum entanglement experiments as showcased on my YouTube Channel. Using a non-linear crystal made of Beta-Barium Borate (BBO) I am able to generate 2 entangled photon beams of wavelength 810nm each from a pump laser beam of 405nm which is pulsed using the Arduino and directed into the splitter. the entangled photons are in quantum superposition of the H and V modes, with the indeterminacy being a perfect 50/50 split. These are directed by beamsplitters into 2 detectors which either detect a H or V mode but never both. Whichever silicon phototransistor sensor on the arduino detects the H and which detects the V mode is purely random creating a random number source that is irreducible and thus unhackable. The random numbers generated by this scheme are a stream of integer bits. To generate purely random non-integers I use a CCD and a split mirror that directs the 2 photons into an aperture of a connected CCD microscope sensor. By splitting the image were the 2 beams of entangled photons meet and correlating the 2 images to detect random changes we can assume due to the nature of entanglment that the difference between the images must be in part due to the random fluctuations of the vacuum as the 2 entangled photons when cross-correlated should be equal but of opposite polarization. the randomness is beneath the intrinsic shot noise of the CCD sensor as quantum entangled photon streams generated in such a scheme allow for sub-shot noise imaging in holography setups. A python code for generating cross-correlated images is also available to use in this repository however it requires time to correlate across all the pixel data. this can be used as a way to produce sub-shot noise images using standard CCD microscope cameras in such a setup.

  • imsamroy/Number-Guessing-Game

    Guess a random number between your selected range within the chances you select to win the game!

  • gabrielguerrer/rng_rava

    RAVA: an Open Hardware True Random Number Generator based on Avalanche Noise

  • GabrielTheophilo/RandomNumberGame

    Very simple game on Python where the program generates a random number and the user tries to guess it. It works with a vaguely similar logic compared to Binary Search.

  • binarybullet59/grick-heart-namegen

    this is my gift to the community (those of you who cant figure out how to make an RnG (random number generator)

  • brandontjohnson0/RandomNumber_Assignment

    Assignment 3 from when I was taking my C# class at college. The goal of this project was to create a program that would create a list of randomly generated numbers whenever run.

  • JoshuasProgramming/Random-Number-Generator

    Created: 13th January 2022 This is a random number generator website. The video leaked below is a walkthrough of the projects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDSGFkToxqk

  • Shoyayeb/loveCalculator

    LoveCalculator Using Js

  • AagamAJ/Guess-The-Number-GAME

    This is a simple number guessing game implemented in C++. Program generates a random number between 1-100 and asks the user to guess the number. After each guess, program provides feedback (higher or lower) to help user guess the correct number. Once the user guesses the correct number, the program displays the number of attempts took to guess it.

  • dannyward630/esinxe-Random-Number-Generator

    Function-Based Random Number Generator

  • gabrielguerrer/rng_rava_driver_py

    RAVA Python Driver

  • gabrielguerrer/rng_rava_firmware

    RAVA Firmware

  • alexchannn/random-number-picker

    Random Number Generator

  • AnandhkumarTV/Dicy

    A Dice Roller game app

  • ChandraPrakashSinghBisht/randomNumber_SearchingAlgo_FileHandling_

    Task 1: Random number generation - Create a random number generator to create a list of unique integers (each number must appear only once). It must be able to generate at least 300 integers (no repeated numbers) Task 2: Searching Implementation - Implement linear search, interpolation search and binary search to search an integer from a list of integers from task 1. Task 3: Testing - Create a main function which is able to call the number generator and all algorithms. Apply the testing procedure: Searching By using the function from Task 1, generate 100 unique integers. Output the list in a 100data.txt or 100data.csv file. Get the last integer in the list as k. Read the integers from the file in an array or linked list. Apply the algorithms in Task 2 to find k from the list.

  • ChinaraHatamli/Tasks-React

    React Tasks: Random Number Generator; Random Color Generator

  • HirbodBehnam/RandomNumberGenerator

    Creates a random number on android.

  • MiriamLaw/Random_Number_Guessing_Game

    Java application where a player has 5 attempts to guess the correct random number between 1 and 100

  • molsm/random-float-data-set-generator

    Random float data set generator - with predefined rules

  • nixberg/chacha-rng-swift

    ChaCha-based RNG for Swift

  • przyg/Simple-minecraft-seed-generator

    A simple seed generator

  • santhoshvernekar/sample-npm-package

    Create simple npm package and publishing to npm registry

  • satoshimasterbilly/foundry-smart-contract-lottery-f23-1a

    Foundry Smart Contract Lottery August 2023

  • YunaAnn/RandomNumberAndLetterGenerator

    <DONE> Android. Simple randomizer for numbers and letters.
