
There are 7 repositories under ransomware-summary topic.

  • codingo/Ransomware-Json-Dataset

    Compiles a json dataset using public sources that contains properties to aid in the detection and mitigation of over 1000 variants of ransomware.

  • marktsec/Ransomware_Official_Domains

    List Of Ransomware Groups Official WebSites

  • Ubaidjaffery/Ransofight

    Prevention against Ransomware attack, an automated implementation which help to prevent ransomware attacks

  • OfekRv/JavaLocker-Ransomware

    JavaLocker ransomware decompiled java

  • Oliver-Binns/PSEC

    Open Assessment for Topics in Privacy & Security module. This module was worth ten credits as part of my Master's Year and received a mark of 76%.

  • VolkanSah/JADE-EDU

    This JavaScript code provides a simplified example of a ransomware attack and its underlying techniques. It is intended for educational and ethical hacking purposes only, and should not be used for any illegal or unethical activities. It is important to always abide by the law and use technology responsibly and ethically to promote positive outcome