
There are 4 repositories under react-kanban-board topic.

  • aman162000/kanban-board

    A kanban board is an agile project management tool designed to help visualize work, limit work-in-progress, and maximize efficiency (or flow)

  • WizardIsHere/admin_dashboard_v_2

    An Admin Dashboard page eith trelloboard, Calender and React Material. I really enjoyed building this project have a look from the link below.

  • SyncfusionExamples/getting-started-with-the-react-kanban-board

    A quick start React project that shows how to add React Kanban component to the React App. This project also includes a code snippet to bind local and remote data sources, add, and customize a tooltip, set a custom height and width, select multiple cards, and change the default layout.

  • DHTMLX/react-kanban-demo

    React Kanban demo by DHTMLX
