
There are 4 repositories under reeborg topic.

  • Reeborg-sWorld_Maze_Algorithm_v1.0

    In simple words an 'Algorithm' means a set of instructions given to a computer to solve any kind of a problem depending on its type, As of this it solves most the maze. Any kind of maze puzzle can be solved in Reeborg's World using this simple algorithm.

  • Reeborg-sWorld_allHurdles_Algorithm

    In simple words an 'Algorithm' means a set of instructions given to a computer to solve any kind of a problem depending on its type, As of this it solves the hurdles. Any kind of hurdle puzzle can be solved in Reeborg's World using this simple algorithm.

  • ReeborgLvl1-2-3_hurdle_cheatcode

    This program is a cheat to complete level 1, 2, 3 of Reeborg's World, with the world set to hurdle. This is written by Cephas Cardozo and Developed using Python

  • Python-in-browser (brython) and skulpt offline
